Musik / opera

L'heure espagnole

Anmeldelser (11)

MusicWeb international

2023 June



Göran Forsling (f. 1942)

2023 June

"Ravel had ambitions to compose five operas, but only two came into being; L'heure espagnole (1911) and L'enfant et les sortilèges (1926) ... Ravel's orchestration is a marvel of precision and colouring. Stravinsky once famously called Ravel "a Swiss watchmaker" and there is a lot of truth in that. The crisp playing of Les Siècles on period instruments further enhances this impression ... The heaviest burdens rest on the shoulders of Thomas Dolié (Ramiro) and Isabelle Druet (Concepción). Both have long experience of their roles from stage performances, but their colleagues are also well inside their roles ... Anyway, no one interested in these two works will feel short-changed by their acquisition".

Presto classical

d. 16. juni 2023



Katherine Cooper

d. 16. juni 2023

"Recording of the week: The all-Francophone cast is uniformly terrific, not least because everyone's so mindful of Ravel's stipulation that (with one exception) all of the performers should 'speak more than sing' their roles ... That they never feel the need to overplay the sensuality or the broad comedy of the score is due in no small part to the fact that Roth and Les Siècles (performing on instruments from around the turn of the century) supply so much colour and character from the pit".

Fono Forum

2017 Februar



Andreas Friesenhagen

2017 Februar

"Stéphane Denève hält dieses klingende Uhrwerk, so präzise es seinen Dienst hier auch verrichtet, weitgehend dezent in der Begleiterrolle und lässt damit den Sängern den Vortritt. Zu recht, denn er hat hervorragende Darsteller an seiner Seite".

BBC music magazine

2023 September



George Hall (musikanmelder)

2023 September

"Ravel's sense of instrumental characterisation is crucial, and the results are delectable. All the instruments used are listed in the booklet alongside their players. But the voices are just as crucial. Roth has, again, been highly selective with his singers - all Francophone and strikingly well matched to their roles".

Fono Forum

2023 September



Christoph Vratz

2023 September


2016, nr. 41



Steen Chr. Steensen

2016, nr. 41

"I sin klangbehandling er Ravel ligeså voluminøs som i sine store orkesterværker fra samme tid. Det er derfor en blandet opgave at dirigere denne opera. Den erfarne Leonard Slatkin leverer sammen med Orchestre National de Lyon et rigt nuanceret og klangligt fokuseret orkesterspil, der tenderer til at tage opmærksomheden fra sangerne og det dramatiske ... Det er denne udgivelses triumf at få Francois Le Roux til at synge ... Don Quichotte: brovtende og sårbar på én gang".

Fono Forum

2016 Mai



Thomas Schulz (f. 1960)

2016 Mai

"Hier stimmt einfach alles: Ravels Kurzoper "L'Heure espagnole" in den Händen eines Dirigenten, der untrügliches Gespür für dor so vielschichtige, nur oberflächlich brilliante musik besitzt".


2016 avril



François Laurent

2016 avril

The gramophone

2023 August



Mark Pullinger

2023 August

"Editor's choice: L'heure espagnole is the main work on the latest disc in François-Xavier Roth's Ravel series ... As in previous releases, the orchestral playing is exquisite, the strings silky, woodwinds perfumed, the trumpets (1930s Selmers) sweetly tangy, the trombones suggestively louche ... Roth has gathered a superb francophone cast, led by Isabelle Druet".

Operabladet Ascolta

(1999) 18. årgang nr. 3


(1999) 18. årgang nr. 3

The gramophone

2016 April



Richard Lawrence

2016 April

"Leonard Slatkin conducts with admirable delicacy, with a nice attention to detail ... Isabelle Druet expresses Concepción's frustration and impatience so vividly that you almost forget that you can't see her ... The ever-helpful Ramiro, more brawn than brain, is touchingly sung by Marc Barrard. The entire cast is excellent, in fact, but Frédéric Antoun's absurd, self-regarding poet deserves a special mention".