Musik / kor

Latin motets

Anmeldelser (4)

MusicWeb international

2020 December



Glyn Pursglove

2020 December

"The 'concise' Bruckner is to be found, above all, in his motets ... Bruckner is, at times, both harmonically and dynamically adventurous in his motets. One vivid example of this is 'Christus factus est' ... The result is highly expressive, a vivid musical embodiment of the emotions of the text ... The singers of the Latvian Radio Choir impress in every work on this disc".

Fono Forum

2021 Januar



Marcus Stäbler

2021 Januar

"Die Motetten von Anton Bruckner gelten ... nicht unbedingt als Kernkompetenz des Lettischen Rundfunkchors. Aber da müssen wir uns wohl eines Besseren belehren lassen. Wie schön das Ensemble diese Musik singt! Der warme, fülligen Klang des mit nur 24 Sängerinnen und Sängern besetzten Chors passt wie gemalt zur dunklen Leuchtkraft der Werke. Wunderbar etwa in der Motette 'Christus factus est', deren quasi sinfonischen Ton der Dirigent Sigvards Klava mit breiten Tempi auskostet ... Einem echten Hörereignis".

BBC music magazine

2021 February



Michael Tanner (musikanmelder)

2021 February

"Most of the works on this excellent disc were written early ... None of these pieces is less than radiant, but most of them also very short, two or three minutes ... Listening to the disc straight through is not recommended; the pieces begin to merge. That is no fault of the admirable Latvian Radio Choir, nor of their director Sigvards Klava".

The gramophone

2021 February



Christian Hoskins

2021 February

"Editor's choice: These pieces have been recorded multiple times before, but the unforced natural expressivity of the singing as well as the accuracy of the intonation at all dynamic levels puts this new version very near the top of the list. Among the finest of the performances is that of Tota pulchra es, which communicates a feeling of ineffable timelessness at the opening as well as a sense of tremendous majesty at the organ-supported climax ... The excellent recording, made in Riga Cathedral, suits the performances perfectly".