Musik / kor

Messe e-Moll & Motetten

Anmeldelser (9)

MusicWeb international

2020 August



Michael Cookson

2020 August

"A pair of liturgical works by Bruckner and Stravinsky... The master composers' distinctive settings of the Roman Catholic mass have real merit but are among their less popular works. They both treated the mass as an ideal medium to combine tradition with innovation, and each maintained his own characteristic style ... I have witnessed first-hand how magnificently this professional chorus consistently performs. It is impeccably prepared by Leenaars in this pair of Bruckner and Stravinsky masses. Undeniably, the chorus demonstrates its ability to move from the respective soundworlds of Bruckner's Romantic passion and sacred awe to the disciplined precision of Stravinsky's sombre and unadorned, neoclassical aesthetic. Compelling and thrilling to hear with such impeccable unity and intonation, the Rundfunkchor demonstrate a thorough grasp of the import of the Latin text ... One of the most accomplished recordings of sacred choral music I have heard in some time".


d. 18. dec. 2007



Jan Jacoby

d. 18. dec. 2007

"Med krystalklart ren linieføring og stor, ekspressivt smidig dynamik skaber Laytons elitekor naturligt flydende sammenhæng og gør fornemt rede for værkets farverigdom, dramatik og billedverden i en smuk kirkeakustik. Her suges man virkelig ind i musikkens skønhed og særpræg, og alt giver mening ... Det er ikke let musik at forløse. Her sker det dybt overbevisende".

Fono Forum

2020 Dezember



Johannes Schmitz

2020 Dezember

"Die Abmischung ist klangvoll, ohne aufdringlich zu werden, und imaginiert fast schon sakrale Raumfülle, aber mit großer Klarheit ... Das macht vor allem die leisen und getragenen Passagen der Bruckner-Messe zum sinnlichen Genuss. Aber auch die nüchterne Klangsprache Strawinskys findet den passenden akustischen Rahmen. Der Rundfunkchor Berlin unter Leitung von Gijs Leenaars singt weich, einfach und intensiv. Er beseelt den strengen Bruckner und haucht dem kühlen Strawinsky einen natürlichen Odem ein".


2020 juillet-août



Hugues Mousseau

2020 juillet-août


2020, nr. 58



Mikael Garnæs

2020, nr. 58

"En cd med luksus-korsang fra Berlins Radiokor ... Et rent romantisk bad i skønhed som i den grad er velkomment hos Bruckner og mindre oplagt hos Stravinskij ... E-mol messen er den anden af Bruckners tre store messer ... Dirigent Gijs Leenars satser på en smuk, homogen og musikalsk fleksibel korklang, og det honorerer Berlins Radiokor suverænt ... Stravinskijs messe er en helt anden ... og man kan diskutere, om den er tjent med at blive opført på disse præmisser ... Der synges virkelig godt på denne cd, og optagelsen er fremragende".

BBC music magazine

2020 August



Stephen Johnson (f. 1955)

2020 August

"It's a splendid coupling: these are the two most original mass-settings since Beethoven's Missa solemnis, both making strikingly un-Romantic use of a wind ensemble. The Berlin Radio Choir are thoroughbreds, and to hear them tackling Bruckner's high soprano writing and sustained fortissimo declamations, to say nothing of Stravinsky's ear-testing harmonic twists, is to marvel that it can be all brought off with so little apparent effort. Not only so, but director Gijs Leenaars, his singers and musicians, all have a remarkably strong sense of line. You're never in doubt about where the music is going".

The gramophone

2020 Awards



Christian Hoskins

2020 Awards

"It's not often that works by Bruckner and Stravinsky are paired together, but the two Masses on this release make an interesting and appropriate coupling given their shared scoring for mixed choir and wind ensemble ... The technical challenges of Bruckner's frequent a cappella writing is most effectively met by the Berlin Radio Choir under Gijs Leenaars ... who sing with an attractive freshness and clarity. The performance of the winds, especially bassoons, is similarly fine ... The choir's focused singing ... are especially well suited to the neoclassical sonorities of Stravinsky's Mass".

The gramophone

2007 November



Marc Rochester

2007 November

"Vurdering: Editor's choice" - "Gorgeous sound from the singers makes this Bruckner immensely satisfying ... Splendid as the performance of the Mass is, for my money the seven unaccompanied motets which surround it on this disc are absolute gems".

BBC music magazine

2007 November



William Whitehead

2007 November

"Of the "chamber-like" versions of this Mass, Polyphony trumps all others for beauty at tone ... The performance of the motets are excellent, too, painting nuanced pictures of these vocally and philosophically stratospheric pieces".

Vurdering : 5/5.