Musik / opera

Les paladins

Anmeldelser (6)

MusicWeb international

2006 February



Gary Higginson

2006 February

"I have never seen a production of an opera quite like this ... The dancing is vigorous and exciting and often very amusing but the speed of the choreography seems often to contradict the speed and even emotional meaning of the music ... The singing is quite superb ... Despite what has been said about the stage production I have never enjoyed a Rameau opera as much as this. This is a warm and brilliant tribute to a truly great composer by some exceptional artists".

BBC music magazine

2010 February



Anna Picard

2010 February

"Vurdering: BBC opera choice" - "Aside from the reissue of Jean-Claude Malgoire's 1990 recording Konrad Junghänel's live recording with Neue Düsseldorfter Hofmusik has no direct audio competition ... Junghänel proves as adept a stylist in French music as he is in German Baroque".

Fono Forum

2022 Juli



Richard Lorber

2022 Juli

"Empfehlungen des Monats: Les Paladins ist Komödie, Zauberoper und Revue in einem ... mit fröhliche Musik spielen. Das tut auch die üppig mi Blasinstrumenten besetzte Chapelle Harmonique unter Valentin Tournet in den vielen Tanznummern auf charmante, elegante und klanglich hervorragend ausbalancierte Weise ... Der junge Dirigent und Gambist Valentin Tournet hat sich ... mit dieser Aufnahme bereits einen Platz in der ersten Riege der französischen Barockspezialisten gesichert".

The gramophone

2011 February



Richard Lawrence

2011 February

"This "live" recording from Duisburg is satifying in it way: the excellence of the period orchestra, especially, enables one to appreciate the delights of Rameau's instrumentation".

High fidelity (Kbh.)

Årg. 39, nr. 4 (2006)



Mogens Wenzel Andreasen

Årg. 39, nr. 4 (2006)