Musik / rock

Let it burn

Anmeldelser (2)

New noise magazine

d. 25. jan. 2018



Addison Herron-Wheeler

d. 25. jan. 2018

""Ahead of their time" is a cliche often used to explain music or art that just doesn't really land, and a lot of times, it's not quite appropriate. However, this is the perfect way to characterize Nebula, a group that released records around the turn of the century, but sound more like they hail from 2018 ... What stands out the most about these offerings is that they do sound distinctly modern, and not because doom is big right now. Their handling of experimental instrumentation and ability to cary odd-sounding melodies over heavy riffs is a skill that showed up more recently in underground metal, but they definitely seem to possess it".


d. . undefined 20



Jason Hundey

d. . undefined 20

"Along with Queens of the Stone Age and Eternal Elysium, Nebula is one of the most pleasant surprises in the stoner rock movement. To call them another stoner rock band is an injustice to their versatility and dynamism ... Fear not fuzz fans, because the guitars are brash, loud, covered in mud, and loaded with crotch-kickin' feedback. The interplay of the drums and bass and the extended guitar jam on the aptly titled "Sonic Titan" is one of several highlights on Let It Burn. There is no dead weight here".