Musik / kor

Lieder im Freien zu singen

Anmeldelser (5)

DR musik

2009 uge 6



Jens Cornelius

2009 uge 6

"Vurdering: Ugens cd" - ""Sange til at synge i det fri" er overskriften på 18 af cd'ens 28 korsange ... De små korsange er tilsyneladende meget enkel musik, men man skal ikke forklejne dem. At musikken er i udsøgt balance og har knastfri overflade er simpelthen et af Mendelssohns uomgængelige krav. Under den elegante overflade kan der så lure alle verdens følelser".

Presto classical




"Bernius's complete recording of Mendelssohn's sacred choral music with the Kammerchor Stuttgart, which has won many prizes, is a major feat of both interpretation and editing, and has extensively contributed to Mendelssohn's complete oeuvre becoming part of the concert repertoire, a fact which today is taken for granted ... On the occasion of his 70th birthday in June 2017, Frieder Bernius has now produced a recording of the high quality associated with him of Mendelssohn's most well-known secular choral songs under the title: Liedern im Freien zu singen".

BBC music magazine

2009 January



William Whitehead

2009 January

"The effortless quality of the RIAS Kammerchor's sound, transparent, high-soaring, imbues this native repertoire with a real sense of joy; even a jaded ear cannot fail to be won over by the vitality of these hearty, outdoorsy outpourings. The near-perfect distance of sound capture speaks of some quality engineering, too".


2017 septembre



Jérôme Bastianelli

2017 septembre

The gramophone

2009 January



John Steane

2009 January

"Make a refreshing programme, and certainly they could not be better performed".