Musik / jazz

Liquid spirit

Anmeldelser (3)


d. 17. sep. 2013



Will Layman

d. 17. sep. 2013

"This recording is such an easy pleasure. It goes down smooth, but that may simply be slight-of-hand. This kind of talent is rare. Porter's songs are sturdily built to last. His melodies don't sound like copies of other classics-so they just might be classics. And when Porter does something you already know (like, dig the closer, a lovely and original treatment of "I Fall in Love Too Easily"), he makes it stunningly his own".





Thom Jurek


"The way he and his band move through blues, jazz, gospel, and R&B -- simultaneously -- on the declamatory testimonial "Free" is breathtaking. The intro to "Movin'," near set's end, suggests Bill Withers, but Porter quickly shifts it into higher gear with the horns punctuating the ends of his sung lines. While his first two recordings revealed a major new talent with their promise, Liquid Spirit is a giant step forward artistically, and for the listener, an exercise in musical inspiration".


d. 23. feb. 2014



Peter Schollert

d. 23. feb. 2014

"Amerikaneren har masser af kræfter, men han er heldigvis ikke typen, der skal spille mere med musklerne, end det er nødvendigt. Derfor bliver "Liquid Spirit" et fint stykke nydelse, selv om man ikke kan påstå, at albummet i arrangementer og produktion er nogen revolution af den gængse opfattelse af jazzpræget soul - eller soulpræget jazz".