Musik / jazz

Take me to the alley


Summary: An artist whose music is at once timeless yet utterly of its time, Gregory Porter solidifies his standing as his generation's most soulful jazz singer-songwriter with the release of his much-anticipated follow-up to 2013's Liquid Spirit.

Anmeldelser (6)


d. 11. maj 2016



Will Layman

d. 11. maj 2016

"Gregory Porter, now four albums into a career that should take him into the ears and hearts of anyone who loves classic American soul music, is a star. He reminds us that jazz and pop music are still good friends if they want to be. He reminds us that a great voice can't really be explained but has to be heard. And he reminds us that strong music isn't fashion, bound by its moment, but a feeling available to anyone".





Thom Jurek


"That Porter doesn't break new ground here isn't a big deal; he doesn't need to. His voice, already a standard of excellence by which others are judged, is matched by a truth-laid-bare songwriting style that is singular and second to none".


d. 11. maj 2016



Marcus J. Moore

d. 11. maj 2016

"While Liquid Spirit was decidedly nostalgic, rooted in traditional jazz and soul, for his new album, Take Me to the Alley, Porter reconnects with long-time collaborator Kamau Kenyatta to create something more serene. With its scant, acoustic backdrop, the mood is overtly relaxed and the pace is low to mid-tempo, making for a record best suited for late night consumption".

Berlingske tidende

d. 16. maj 2016



Kjeld Frandsen

d. 16. maj 2016

"På sit fjerde album formidler den amerikanske sanger Gregory Porter sine værker med fløjlsblød røst, smidig her-og-nufrasering og den rette troværdighed".


d. 13. maj 2016



Peter Schollert

d. 13. maj 2016

"Der er masser af varme og kærlighed i Porters stemme, så man føler sig omfavnet på en beskyttende facon. Med Porter i højttalerne er der, som han synger på "Daydream", plads til langstrakte dagdrømmerier".


d. 18. maj 2016



Henrik Palle

d. 18. maj 2016

"Gregory Porter er en sanger af sjælden helstøbthed som performer - og sangskriver. Han har selv angivet Bill Withers som et stort forbillede, og ligesom ham står han dobbelt stærkt: fremragende og unik vokalist plus et indlysende sangskrivertalent. 'Take Me To The Alley' tegner et billede af en moden og virtuos musikalsk performer".