Musik / kor


Anmeldelser (16)

RBB Kultur

d. 3. mar. 2022



Bernhard Schrammek

d. 3. mar. 2022

"Das Magnificat von Johann Sebastian Bach zählt zu den beliebtesten kirchenmusikalischen Werken und wird vielfältig aufgeführt. Weit weniger bekannt ist die Vertonung desselben Textes durch Bachs Sohn Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach. Die Gaechinger Cantorey hat jetzt beide Magnificat-Vertonungen auf einer CD vereint. Hans-Christoph Rademann und seine Musiker lassen im direkten Vergleich Vater Bach gesetzter, gelehrter, im besten Sinne "alt-modischer" klingen, während der Sohn als Sturm-und-Drang-Komponist mit frischen Tempi und empfindsamen Harmonien präsentiert wird. Möglich ist das dank einer durchweg sehr guten Leistung von Chor, Solisten und Orchester".

The observer

d. 29. jan. 2022



Fiona Maddocks

d. 29. jan. 2022

"The nine-movement CPE Bach Magnificat ... crackles with punch and purpose, the instrumental writing vigorous, the arias - such as the bass's Fecit potentiam - virtuosic, the choruses grand, all reminding us of CPE's genius, which might be more appreciated had he not been the son of that particular father".

Presto classical

d. 28. feb. 2018



Katherine Cooper

d. 28. feb. 2018

"Editor's choices - February 2018: Cohen and Co. will convince you that the two Magnificats from the lesser-spotted Bachs deserve to be up there with JS's masterpiece: all three works really dance, and there's some top-drawer solo work, not least from the firm-toned, agile tenor Thomas Walker and the fresh-voiced mezzo Olivia Vermeulen".

The guardian

d. 21. jan. 2018



Fiona Maddocks

d. 21. jan. 2018

"Cohen drives uplifting, beautifully phrased performances, with crisp playing and fine singing from Arcangelo. Even if you already have JS Bach's Magnificat on disc, you'll discover you need this too".


2022 juin



Jean-Christophe Pucek

2022 juin

BBC music magazine

2022 April



Bayan Northcott

2022 April

"The two settings make for a fascinating comparison. Where JS opens with an ornate dance of stately jubilation, CPE dashes into action like the arrival of some Queen of Sheba ... Of these two performances by the Stuttgart-based Gaechinger Cantorey, the CPE Bach comes over more vividly, with sharply articulated detail under the energetic direction of Hans-Christoph Rademann".

BBC music magazine

2010 February



Nicholas Anderson

2010 February

"Philippe Pierlot - French viola da gamba virtuoso and now, conductor - is proving himself a thoughtful and effective Bach interpreter".

BBC music magazine

2018 March



Paul Riley (musikanmelder)

2018 March

"Choral & song choice: You would be hard-pressed to find a more illuminating disc than this latest offering from Arcangelo ... There's nothing overfamiliar about the captivating freshness and buoyancy that both chorus and instrumentalists bring to a much-loved warhorse ... Cohen plays the theatricality of the JC Bach to the hilt, while acknowledging the homage to JS in the opening of CPE's setting".


2008, nr. 8



Bo Holten

2008, nr. 8

"Ikke mindst solisterne har meget at byde på her ... Orkestret har den udmærkede lyd, som nu er blevet standard for barokorkestre i Europa. Der bliver spillet virkelig godt ... Den unge kapelmester Emmanuelle Haïm griber musikken an på en, ja, jeg vil sige ekstremt energisk måde ... Til sidst må jeg tilstå, at jeg fandt det svært og direkte irriterende at lytte til denne fuldstændig overspændte og temmelig charmeforladte jagt på tilspidset og stresset energi i de hurtige satser".

BBC music magazine

2008 January



Nicholas Anderson

2008 January

"Haïms performances are light-footed and elegantly phrased and her mainly pleasing line-up of soloists is attentive to textual content and wordpainting".

Fono Forum

2008 Mai



Werner Pfister

2008 Mai


d. 30. juli 2000


d. 30. juli 2000

International record review

2010 January



Andrew O'Connor

2010 January

"Vurdering: IRR outstanding" - "The best ever magnificat recording? In my view it certainly is".

The gramophone

2010 March



Jonathan Freeman-Attwood

2010 March

"Vurdering: Editor's choice" - "This is supremely refined playing and articulates the ambitions of an exceptionally distinguished project".

The gramophone

2018 February



Jonathan Freeman-Attwood

2018 February

"Editor's choice: For [JS Bach's] perennial masterpiece, Jonathan Cohen and Arcangelo snap into their festive sparklers with grand authority and lithe ebullience, sweeping effortlessly from verse to verse with considerable purpose ... Arcangelo's voyage into the sons' Magnificats is no less well paced or astutely textured ... Cohen and Arcangelo bring us an illuminated Bachian constellation of three canticles colliding in captivating relief".

The gramophone

2008 January



Jonathan Freeman-Attwood

2008 January

"In general, these are not as satisfying perfomances as one might have wished for but several of the movements are wonderfully stripped to the bone and re-fleshed in a spirit of vital rediscovery".