Musik / rock


Anmeldelser (4)


d. 30. juni 2022



James Hickie

d. 30. juni 2022

"While Mirrorcell has clearly identifiable points of reference, it's much more than the sum of its parts. It's a fascinating prism through which to view the mind and motivators of an artist it's increasingly difficult to get a beat on, given his wilful desire to never be just one thing. It's a lesson we can all learn, powered by an awesome soundtrack".


d. 15. juli 2022



Sebastian Taylor Bach

d. 15. juli 2022

"Vi bliver serveret lidt af det hele på Greg Puciatos anden solo-udgivelse. Det er hverken fugl eller fisk, men smager heldigvis stadig ganske fint, trods lidt forvirring ... Med 'Mirrorcell' har Puciato større succes, med at skabe en helstøbt plade. Men der er stadig lang vej til et mere ensartet produkt. Det sagt, er der flere gode skæringer, der gør op for den manglende røde tråd".

Sonic Perspectives

d. 15. juli 2022



Jonathan Smith (musikanmelder)

d. 15. juli 2022

"Former front man of The Dillinger Escape Plan turned solo artist Greg Puciato delivers a broad, diverse and transcendent blend of stylistic elements into another brilliant auditory collage of serenity and rage on his latest studio excursion".

Metal injection

d. 24. juni 2022



Jeff Podoshen

d. 24. juni 2022

"Mirrorcell, while not the blistering rocker you might have expected, is the record you might just realize you actually needed. It's one of the best records of 2022 without any doubt".