Musik / latin

Miss Colombia


Summary: Lido Pimienta is a Toronto-based, Colombian-born interdisciplinary musician and artist-curator. She has performed, exhibited, and curated around the world since 2002, exploring the politics of gender, race, motherhood, identity, and the construct of the Canadian landscape in the Latin American diaspora and vernacular. Her new album takes her ecstatic hybridity to a new level, building on the 2018-2019; intersection of electronica and cumbia established by her 2016 Polaris Prize-winning La Papessa.

Anmeldelser (3)


d. 18. apr. 2020



Peyton Thomas

d. 18. apr. 2020

"The Colombian and Canadian musician's second album is a symbolic reclamation of her crown. On one level, she's recollecting intimate relationships; on another, she's calling entire countries to task".


d. 23. apr. 2020



Ralf Christensen

d. 23. apr. 2020

"En woke immigrant heler sin splittelse med underskøn musik: Colombiansk-canadiske Lido Pimienta har lavet et historiebevidst album, man kan synge og danse til. Det er født af en identitetskrise, men lyder som en forsoning inspireret af Björks credo om, at jo stærkere ens rødder er, desto længere kan man række ud i fremtiden ... Pimienta er en melodisk og harmonisk begavelse og kan forlene både kropsklange og serenader med nyfigne, smukke mønstre. I musikken mødes elektroniske eller akustiske beats og bas med blæserinstrumenter som klarinet, saxofon og trompet. »Te Querias« er en rykkende og stødende perle, hvor olietønder forsirer, mens blæserne og Pimienta holder groovet under kogepunktet. På modstandssangen »Resisto Y Ya« bobler trompeter og digibas om kap med træslagtøj ... Albummet er indspillet i hjemlandet under »rustikke omstændigheder«, som der står i pressemeddelelsen. Og det er tydeligt på [»Quiero Que Me Salves«] kun med [Sexteto Tabalas] stemmer og slagtøj af træ. I en call and response-struktur gjalder Pimientas stemme, mens mændene svarer bragende igen".


2020 July



Gonçalo Frota

2020 July

"Top of the world" - "Lido Pimienta calls her third album "a cynical love letter" to her home country and the Colombian people ... Instead of sounding enraged by the constant disrespect for indigenous people's rights, machismo, gender violence or her experience as an immigrant, Pimienta presents an album that is miraculously beautiful and superbly tasteful. What is absolutely mesmerising about her music is the way she manages to embrace traditional rhythms, twist them into an avant-garde texture and impart her immaculate voice over this clash of references ... This fluent melding of elements is reminiscent of Björk's better days, even if there is such a strong character to these songs that it's impossible to imagine them belonging to anyone else. There is porro, cumbia, Afro-Colombian and reggaeton sparkles all over. And if Pimienta unreservedly nods to traditional group Sexteto Tabalá when she unplugs 'Quiero Que Me Salves', it's because she never abandons her roots in this dazzling world of hers".

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