Musik / renæssance -> 1600

Missa Grecorum & motets

Anmeldelser (4)

The observer

d. 14. jan. 2018



Fiona Maddocks

d. 14. jan. 2018

"The mixed voice Brabant Ensemble has built its reputation on Renaissance sacred music, and tackles Obrecht's rich, sensuous textures and tangy dissonances with both purity and robustness. The long "amen" in the motet O beate Basili, on disc for the first time, is especially splendid".

Presto classical

d. 31. dec. 2017



Katherine Cooper

d. 31. dec. 2017

"Presto editor's choices: Much of the fifteenth-century Flemish composer's music here sounds disconcertingly modern (as the booklet-notes point out, his compositional techniques in the Missa Grecorum prefigure those of the Second Viennese School), the unexpected harmonic twists and dissonances brought out to startling effect by the attractively austere, straight-toned singing of the Brabants".

BBC music magazine

2018 May



Anthony Pryer

2018 May

"The performers manage to give these 'dark meanderings' some shape and purpose with contrasts of mood ... Vigorous interplay between the voices ... and some surprising musica ficta harmonies ... They are at their most splendid in the motet O beata Basil ... and in the soaring heights of the 'o pia' section of the Salve Regina".

The gramophone

2018 February



Edward Breen

2018 February

"Missa Grecorum offers us Obrecht in his more common, dense polyphonic mode. Thick, rich textures weaving like garlands around the sustained cantus firmus suit this ensemble well and their bright, young voices make a delight of the glorious long sonorous notes of the 'Grecorum' melody ... Obrecht's music and these performances are ravishingly beautiful and form a well-matched pair".