Musik / operafilm


Anmeldelser (3)

The gramophone

2014 February



David Patrick Stearns

2014 February

"Vurdering: Editor's choice" - "In this DVD, Moby Dick emerges as an opera that has everything, and takes its place alongside the esteemed oceanic operas Billy Budd and L'amour de loin. Thanks to computer imagery, the seascapes are indeed possible ... Overall, the score's thematic development is the work of a master composer ... All the performances grew on me during repeated viewings".

International record review

2014 March



Piers Burton-Page

2014 March

"Expectations are there to be confounded, and Heggie's Moby-Dick comes mighty close to a triumph. It certainly qualifies for inclusion on my first list ... Its virtues are many ... Visually the whole thing is a delight, the stage often glowing in shades of deepest blue or red as days and nights pass ... An impeccably crafted, very well-made opera, especially in a performance as committed, and technologically advanced, as this one from California. Team, or crew, effort it certainly is".

BBC music magazine

2014 February



John Allison (f. 1965)

2014 February

"Beautifully filmed in an atmospheric set enlivened by high-tech nautical projections, this performance makes it easy to see what all the exitement has been about".

Vurdering (performance): 4/5.

Vurdering (picture & sound): 5/5.