Musik / rock

No depression

Anmeldelser (3)


d. 30. jan. 2014



Amanda Petrusich

d. 30. jan. 2014

"In January 1990, when Uncle Tupelo steered a dented Chevy van to Boston's Fort Apache South and recorded their debut full-length, No Depression, traditional country music seemed antithetical to contemporary punk-rock, and the notion that the two might comingle-might be symbiotic bedfellows, even-required a deep philological reimagining ... Ultimately, worry is the thing that animates No Depression and what, 24 years out, still resonates the most: it's a part-panicked, part-dispirited, part-defiant reaction to broad social injustices and personal defeats, all the things that make the world seem untenable".





Mark Deming


"Within what would come to be known as the "alt-country" scene, Uncle Tupelo's first album, 1990's No Depression, was the shot heard 'round the world; they most certainly weren't the first band to fuse the heartache of country with the brains and brawn of punk rock, but they managed to bring the two styles together without camp or gimmicks, in a manner that truly honored both genres and allowed their shared celebration of passion and belief above all else to shine through, and its example would be followed by literally thousands of musicians across the country".


2003 oktober


2003 oktober