Musik / kammermusik

Octet in F major, D. 803

Anmeldelser (26)

Presto classical

d. 31. maj 2018



Katherine Cooper

d. 31. maj 2018

"Editor's choices - May 2018: The energy and imagination from Faust and friends never lets up over the hour-long span of Schubert's largest-scale chamber work; the ebullient vitality of the Trio has an almost symphonic quality, whilst the fourth-movement variations feel as if they're being improvised on the spot".

Presto classical




"Schubert's Octet for strings and winds bears witness to a new creative force during a dark chapter of the composer's life, when he was haunted by illness. Powerfully imaginative, interweaving joy and apprehension, the work pays homage to Beethoven's septet while revealing a poetic and lyrical language in which the dawn of Romanticism emerges. For this recording, the Modigliani Quartet is joined by soloists Sabine Meyer, Bruno Schneider, Dag Jensen and Knut Erik Sundquist".

RBB Radiodrei

d. 2. apr. 2024



Christian Schruff

d. 2. apr. 2024

"Album der Woche: Alle acht Musiker sind hier natürlich Solisten. Sie machen wunderbare Kammermusik, hören einander zu, haben feine Dialoge, spielen sich Bälle zu, sind hellwach. Das ist das pure Vergnügen, so eine Musik zu spielen. Und es macht Freude, das zu hören".

MusicWeb international

2021 November



Ralph Moore (musikanmelder)

2021 November

"This new recording features a distinguished group of musicians, led by its co-founders, the virtuoso clarinettist Michael Collins and distinguished Dutch violinist Isabelle van Keulen ... There is no gainsaying the extra impact of the digital/multi-channel stereo/SACD sound here; its clarity is startling and ... the impeccable balance reveals not only every layer of instrumental sound but the precision and facility of all eight players ... Anyone seeking a modern recording of this seminal work will surely be completely satisfied with both the sound and the virtuosity of this new issue".


d. 13. juni 2018



Thomas Michelsen

d. 13. juni 2018

"Faust har skabt sig et ry som superfokuseret kammermusiker ... og det er klangen af historiske klarinetter - fremragende spillet af Lorenzo Coppola - der møder øret sammen med klangen af sarte, gamle strygeinstrumenter. Ved at rense Schubert for romantisk godmodighed får de følelserne ordentligt frem. Og hvad der er nok så vigtigt: De får de mange stemmer i dette store stykke kammermusik til at tale sammen på lige fod uden at overdøve hinanden ... Hos Isabelle Faust og de øvrige musikere bliver Schuberts verden åbnet i en grad, man måske slet ikke havde forestillet sig mulig".


d. 14. feb. 2006



Thomas Michelsen

d. 14. feb. 2006

"Schuberts perle af en serenade i seks satser, spillet med liv og lyst, sødme og kant. Dirrende og øreåbnende".

Kristeligt dagblad

d. 16. jan. 2008



Mikael Garnæs

d. 16. jan. 2008

"Hovedværket, den store oktet i seks satser, er en herlig oplevelse. Klarinetten spiller også her en førende rolle, men deler den med førsteviolinen, den karismatiske Isabelle van Keulen. At høre de to som duet i den langsomme sats er at føle sig hensat til en bedre verden. Men alle medvirkende musikere har fornem klasse. Og i finalen med dens dramatiske indledning ... mærker man den helt særlige glød, som afslutningen på en vellykket livekoncert medfører".


d. 30. okt. 2007



John Christiansen

d. 30. okt. 2007

"Den fremragende klarinettist Michael Collins ... og pianisten Malcolm Martineau i Schuberts Der Hirt auf dem Felsen [spiller] op til mere, end sopranen Allish Tynan kan følge, men så følger den herligste udgave af Schuberts oktet med bl.a. Collins' hustru Isabella van Keulen på violin, Lars Anders Tomter på bratsch og Daniel Müller-Schott på cello. Den må give ro og glæde".


d. 24. dec. 2007



John Christiansen

d. 24. dec. 2007

"En dejlig Schubert-cd. Den frodige klarinettist Michael Collins har med venner, som det hedder, indspillet Schubert ... Hovedværket er Schuberts oktet, hvor fru Collins, Isabelle van Keulen, den herlige bratschist Lars Anders Tomter og cellisten Daniel Müller-Schott, som vi også kender fra samarbejdet med Anne-Sophie Mutter, samt endnu fire musikere spiller virkelig herligt".

BBC music magazine

2018 August



Bayan Northcott

2018 August

"There is much to admire here: some exquisitely wistful clarinet phrasing from Coppola, and a frightening fierceness in the sudden outburst that heralds the finale, where Schubert seems momentarily to foresee his tragic future".

Fono Forum

2018 August



Holger Arnold

2018 August

"Der beschworene Farbenreichtum kommt bezüglich Klarinette und Fagott nicht zur Geltung, da beide durchweg zu leise sind. Ganz anders der famose Teunis van der Zwart, der das Naturhorn auch bei leiterfremden Tonfolgen perfekt beherrscht. Insgesamt wird das musikalische Geschehen von den ausgezeichneten Streichern beherrscht, was dem Charakter des Stückes letztendlich jedoch nicht entspricht".

BBC music magazine

2005 December



David Nice

2005 December

"Mullova and company may be more note perfect, but sound sober indeed ... the age of innocence embodied by the Vienna Octet in 1958 is rarely in evidence here".

Fono Forum

2019 Juli



Christoph Vratz

2019 Juli

"Das Ergebnis ist ein angenehm schlankes Musizieren, das viele Feinheiten an unser Ohr fördert und das Werk so viel direkter, unmittelbarer erscheinen lässt: mit Crescendi auf engstem Raum und kleinen Hervorhebungen wie Nadelstichen, mal augenzwinkernd, mal aufrüttelnd ... Eine Aufnahme, die auch aufgrund ihres direkten und plastischen, nie aggressiven Klangbildes keine Wünsche offenlässt".


2019 septembre



Michel Stockhem

2019 septembre

BBC music magazine

2015 April



Misha Donat

2015 April

"The Edding Quartet play it with convincing expressive freedom".


2020 septembre



Michel Stockhem

2020 septembre

Fono Forum

2022 März



Elisabeth Richter

2022 März

"Eine Geigerin und ein Klarinettist gründeten 2020 in London die Wigmore Soloists ... Streich- und Bläserquintett sowie Klavier ermöglichen ein breites kammermusikalisches Repertoire. Aber was liegt näher als Schuberts Oktett einzuspielen? ... Klarinettist Michael Collins punktet mit Intensität, Profil und Genauigkeit. Geigerin Isabelle van Keulen nimmt sich bei ihren zuweilen ziemlich virtuosen Soli erstaunlich stark zurück ... Kammermusikalisches Musizieren und Durchsichtigkeit sind Trumpf. Und das setzen die acht Musiker souverän und klanglich wie interpretatorisch hervorragend um".

The gramophone

2007 December



Edward Greenfield

2007 December

"Vurdering: Editor's choice" - "This is the most enjoyable account of Schubert's Octet I can remember, on disc or concert ... The sense of a live performance in both Octet and song is beautifully caught".

The gramophone

2018 July



Richard Wigmore

2018 July

"As the cover billing suggests, Isabelle Faust is very much the guiding light in this period-instrument Octet. Yet her creative inventiveness is matched by her considerateness as a chamber colleague. In a performance notable for its intimacy Faust never seeks to hog the limelight ... The period instruments, superlatively played ... create naturally softer, more transparent textures than their modern counterparts ... The new performance's transparency and intimacy, it's fine balance of exuberance and poetic inwardness, make it an immediate front-runner".

The gramophone

2006 February



Duncan Druce

2006 February

"Vurdering: Editor's choice" - "A spacious performance, enthralling and poetic: it leaves behind the world of happy Viennese music-making ... instead we have a view of the Octet as one of Schubert's major achievements".

International record review

2006 February



Julian Haylock

2006 February

"As expertly played as one could wish for ... yet for all the obvious care and gentle affection for the music in hand, it's a performance that resolutely refuses to let its hair down ... turn to the Vienna Octet".

The gramophone

2019 June



David Threasher

2019 June

"Anima Eterna perform Schubert's ever-lovable Octet on instruments largely from the early 19th century. And these instruments are wild ... There's a graininess to the strings and a glorious hollowness to Beltane Ruiz Molina's double bass. Modern instruments have developed to be better-behaved and to promote blend but these players exult in the timbral differences between them ... The steampunk brazenness of this Belgian ensemble ... is its own advertisement".


2019, nr. 90



Carlhåkan Larsén

2019, nr. 90

"Schuberts oktett och Berwalds septett passar bra ihop. Schubert bidrar med sitt aldrig sinande melodiska flöde och med harmonisk elegans. Berwald musicerar med friska tag - kast och kontraster ... Den belgiska ensemblen Anima Eterna Brugge: en kammarorkester med mer än 30 års erfarenhet ... De levererar genomskinlighet - lite kärv när blåsarna blåser, medan stråkarnas spel resulterar i virtuost flimrande passager".

The gramophone

2024 April



Richard Wigmore

2024 April

"Amid the exuberance and sense of selfless shared enjoyment, the players seize every opportunity for lyrical eloquence ... In sum, the Berliners not only don't put a foot wrong but get everything resoundingly right".

The gramophone

2021 December



David Threasher

2021 December

"Wigmore Soloists ... what players they are, with names such as ... Benjamin Gilmore, viola player Timothy Ridout, cellist Kristina Blaumane and basoonist Robin O'Neill. Accordingly, not only does the performance shine from without but is illuminated with a gorgeous glow from within ... The whole is borne along on the ever-active double bass of Tim Gibbs, making for a remarkable performance of one of the finest of all works for mixed chamber ensemble".


d. 15. aug. 2000


d. 15. aug. 2000

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