Musik / opera

Oedipus Rex

Anmeldelser (8)

Classics today

d. 2. maj 2005



David Hurwitz

d. 2. maj 2005

"Robert Craft leads a thrilling performance of Oedipus Rex - incisive, swift, and as mercilessly inevitable as fate itself ... As for the singers, they do well - for the most part. After some initial unsteadiness Martyn Hill settles down to close Act 1 most affectingly, and his singing in Act 2 is very good ... Ideally clear and focused sound completes this very desirable package, given new life thanks to Naxos".


2014 juillet-août



Patrick Szersnovicz

2014 juillet-août

BBC music magazine

2010 August



David Nice

2010 August

"The near-total triumph of this Oedipus Rex is surprising ... Even Bernstein's recording can't match it for earthy authenticity".

The gramophone

2005 January



Roger ichold

2005 January

"Oedipus and Jocasta are both put under severe strain ... Personally, I would go for Ronald Dowds manly interpretation of Oedipus on Classics for Pleasure or, better still, George Shirleys lyrical one on Sony ... I was also unhappy with some of Robert Crafts tempi ... Les noces comes off better, exhibiting a fine rustic roughness and textual accuracy. But in view of the above comments, I can't recommend this disc overall".

The gramophone

2014 July



John Warrack

2014 July

""[Ardant] is, throughout, classical but also personal ... Without distorting the form, [Gardiner] allows his singers more expressive freedom than is usual ... [Skelton] brings increasing tension into his interpretation ... Johnston takes Jocasta's elaborate coloratura full tilt, bringing her aria off with great aplomb ... Saks makes a tough Creon ... This is a beautiful performance".

International record review

2014 June



Nigel Simeone

2014 June

"Stuart Skelton is a very good Oedipus ... Jennifer Johnston's Jocasta is one of the most convincing performances of the role I've heard on record ... Apollon musagète is less good".

The gramophone

2007 February



Richard Osborne (f. 1943)

2007 February

"Bernstein's own love-affair with Stravinsky's Oedipus Rex translates into a performance that is unignorably vivid, the Latin pronunciation notwithstanding, but a potentially electrifying Symphony of Psalms is lugubrious and morose in the meditative passages".

International record review

2010 July/August



Nigel Simeone

2010 July/August

"Neither performances here would make it into the final cut for recordings of these Stravinsky masterpieces. For Les Noces, Bernstein and Ancerl set a standard that has not been matched since".