Musik / rock

On dark horses

Anmeldelser (3)

The 405

d. 20. sep. 2018



Kyle Kohner

d. 20. sep. 2018

"There's no denying how incredibly dark and ominous Rundle's latest comes across, but as she slowly unearths hope, On Dark Horses offers a powerful reminder to take back control of your life, even when its crippling grasp clenches with fatal intent".





James Christopher Monger


"Recorded in Louisville, Kentucky, On Dark Horses is a far more collaborative affair, and while it still looks inward, it does so with the kind of steely warmth that can only come from somebody who has seen the light at the end of the tunnel as clearly as they've seen the oncoming train".


d. 11. sep. 2018



Matt Yuyitung

d. 11. sep. 2018

"Perhaps Rundle's biggest asset is the tenderness she brings with her, as she explores darker, more intimate sides of herself. Even with the record's heavier moments, there's still an element of warmth and sincerity present. While Marked For Death felt more cathartic and Some Heavy Ocean felt more plaintive, there's no denying the emotional heft of On Dark Horses. This is another confident step forward by an artist who continues to dazzle us with new sides of herself".