Musik / rock

The wake

Anmeldelser (4)


d. 25. sep. 2018



Jacobh Hansen

d. 25. sep. 2018

"Kreativiteten står i fuldt flor på Voivods nye opus. Teksterne er et skævt take på menneskehedens forfald, mens den musikalske palet er mere ambitiøs og vidtfavnende, end vi har hørt fra Voivod længe".


d. 18. sep. 2018



Jordan Blum

d. 18. sep. 2018

"The Wake is a striking album in many ways. Its scope is astoundingly large in terms of both narrative and genre-melding cohesion, yielding a very determined and dense effort that demands multiple investigations to internalize fully. In that way, it's deceptively elaborate and surprising throughout, making it a laudable effort by in and of itself. Of course, the fact that it's the 14th outing by a group that began in 1982 makes it that much more remarkable. Voivod may be veterans at this point, but they're still providing one-of-a-kind vivaciousness".

d. 20. sep. 2018



Søren Højer Larsen

d. 20. sep. 2018

"Det hele hænger så godt sammen, at albummet helt klart bør høres fra ende til ... Det kan godt være, der er enkelte døde steder på dette album og momenter, der ikke helt lever op til det generelle niveau, men The Wake er det bedste udspil fra Voivod i mange år. Og hvis du undervejs i din gennemlytning skulle høre lidt Tool, Opeth eller andre af de bands, der forsøger at skubbe til metallens grænser, så tag ikke fejl: det er Voivod, der har inspireret dem, ikke omvendt og med Voivods nyeste album, kan man være sikker på at det fortsætter noget tid endnu".





Thom Jurek


"Musically, Voivod carries on their tradition of genre bleeding metal, albeit with a more progressive bent this time out. They also reveal the influence modern classical music--a la Stravinsky and Shostakovich--has had on their work. There's no need for worry however, the particularly angular, intense meld of cosmic thrash metal and punk they pioneered is still abundant ... Voivod has survived tragedy and adversity to emerge as a unified and imaginative collective whononetheless refuse to disregard the role of the individual in the process. The Wake signals a new chapter for Voivod; they stand (again) at the blade edge of creative imagination and visionary execution in the world of extreme music".