Musik / jazz

On vacation

Anmeldelser (3)





Thom Jurek


"On the surface, On Vacation, might seem slight upon first listen. Further investigation reveals an abundance of sophisticated melodic invention and classy, intuitive arrangements that expand on and underscore the album's intended, good-time feel".

Jazz journal

d. 11. feb. 2021



Ian Lomax

d. 11. feb. 2021

"The material is overwhelmingly elegant, relaxed, laidback, mellow and smooth - but not formulaic in the usual smooth jazz way. There are touches of bossa (Lemonade, Lavender Fields), blues (Basin Street Blues) and the retro and breezy vocal style on Lemonade and On Vacation is uplifting and works a treat ... This album was a tonic to review on a cold winter's day in February and has remained on my playlist ever since. Even though we can only dream, at this moment, of a vacation in the sun, this album certainly brought that experience a little bit closer".


2021 March



Ayana Contreras

2021 March

"Sometimes, the circumstances of an album's recording are incongruent with the circumstances of its release. Till Brönner, Bob James and a coterie of first-call players have issued On Vacation during a time punctuated with isolation and travel bans, when few people have the ability to partake in any sort of getaway. So, is the album - recorded in the south of France during 2019 - or the theme behind it a vestige of another time, simply tone deaf or another thing entirely: a well-played slice of fantastical escapism? Maybe it's all three".