Musik / country

Orthophonic joy : the 1927 Bristol sessions revisited


Nyindspilninger af mange af de sange, der oprindeligt blev indspillet i Bristol i 1927 og anses for startskuddet til den moderne countrymusik. Mellem de nye numre fortælles historien om "the Bristol sessions" med de originale indspilninger som baggrundsmusik.

Anmeldelser (1)

d. 26. maj 2015



Cindy Lovell

d. 26. maj 2015

""The original recordings provided the raw ordination for the type of music that comes out of these hills. Getting it out to the masses was a big deal," Morrell said of the impact of those early sessions. "I wanted to redo the songs with new artists, to make the songs relevant to new generations who have no idea of the history. For Carl and me, that was our job - to tell the story."And with a little help from their friends - so they did".