Musik / solosang

Portraits de la folie

Anmeldelser (4)


2020 octobre



Loïc Chahine

2020 octobre

Fono Forum

2020 November



Elisabeth Richter

2020 November

"Wahnsinn als einer der extremsten menschlichen Zustände inspirierte im ausgehenden 17. und beginnenden 18. Jahrhundert die Komponisten in ganz Europa zu fantasievoller Musik ... Wahsinnsarien des europäischen Barock ... präsentieren hier die Mezzosopranistin Stéphanie D'Oustrac und das Ensemble Amarillis ... Stéphanie d'Oustrac serviert perfekte Koloraturen, das Ensemble Amarillis legt eine packende, aber nicht ausser Kontrolle geratende Wildheit in die Musik, bleibt dabei aber exakt und wunderbar pulsierend. Der dicht-homogene Klang des Orchesters begeistert ebenso wie die Intensität und Spannung ... [Eine] dramaturgisch abwechslungsreich konzipierte CD".

BBC music magazine

2020 September



Berta Joncus

2020 September

"Choral & song choice: D'Oustrac is dazzling across these various personae, to which she brings not only luscious vocalism but also a blistering intensity. No less impressive is the Ensemble Amarillis ... For zest and bustling invention, the band at times outstrips Folly herself. The enjoyment of a refined French enunciation is reason enough to buy this disc. D'Oustrac relishes her words, and squeezes gestures from them ... This world class performance ... is a gem".

The gramophone

2020 October



Richard Wigmore

2020 October

"Editor's choice: With her wide range of colour and her care for the sound and sense of words, the French mezzo makes each character vividly distinct. She is also a risk-taker, unafraid of a harsh or whining tone where apt, yet never resorting to caricature ... The concept is imaginative, the repertoire (Purcell apart) hardly familiar, and the performances both probing and enlivening. Emphatically recommended".