Musik / folkemusik

Powered by life

Anmeldelser (3)

All about jazz

d. 24. maj 2018



Geno Thackara

d. 24. maj 2018

"The themes may be weighty, but the performance is intimate as a cozy fireside chat. Individual instruments stick to shadings more than prominent heads, the uncluttered arrangements leave plenty of open space to drift, and the music manages to insistently find beauty alongside the sadness. It would be all too easy to mope and dwell on what's lost, but Faitelson chooses to respond with an appreciation for life instead. Powered by Life and its listeners all come out that much more fortunate for it".

Jazz views




Chris Baber


"Some of the arrangements are haunted by Faitelson's Israeli heritage or her work with Plipel, in that there are often unusual shifts in rhythm or sequences of chords that give a complexity to the tunes. I enjoyed her singing but wished that we got even more of her delightful guitar work".


d. 23. apr. 2018



Niels Overgård

d. 23. apr. 2018

"Powered by life er et ambitiøst udspil, hvor det er tydeligt at Faitelson er gået i dybden med arrangementerne af de enkelte numre, hvor der undervejs sker meget forskelligt ... Afslutteren Destiny made a mistake runder pladen af, på en opsamlende måde, hvor Faitelson runder af med en række retoriske spørgsmål. Det er passende nedlukning på et behageligt og melodisk album".