"When I escaped the real world into folk clubs as a teenager, I regularly encountered hearty, bearded and pullovered accountants and civil servants bellowing shanty choruses, tankards akimbo, although none had probably been nearer the ocean wave than a pedalo. And that sort of put me off... But these songs lurk in your subconscious, somehow known and terribly familiar. Thus it was when the first Rogue's Gallery popped up ... There's nothing like a few musicians with imagination and no preconcieved ideas to breathe new life into damaged songs ... Son Of... is a delightful chip off the old block, full of more inspired quirkiness. Every time you play it (...) you uncover more delights, often in the tracks which might have snuck past unnoticed the previous time (Beth Orton's River Come Down and The Americans' oddly Okinawan-tinged old-timey Sweet And Low being cases in point) ... A bit of a classic, your honour, in a nice pack with properly extensive credits".