Musik / rock

Project: regeneration, vol. 1

Anmeldelser (4)

The Rockpit

d. 8. juli 2020



Andrew Massie

d. 8. juli 2020

"Despite the fact that it may seem a little strange to hear Wayne's voice again, the opinion of this reviewer and ultimately a fan too, is that "Project Regeneration" is a fantastic album. It's a shame we will never see Wayne himself perform these tracks live as I can imagine some of these songs would go over very well with the crowds. But kudos to the rest of the band for making this exactly what could of been the next true Static-X album, the essence of Static-X is very prominent on this album and no doubt regardless of how you feel on the circumstances, reasoning and any politics that would surround this release, the songs are solid as hell and long time fans will definitely at the very least, appreciate it on a musical and creative front".

Sonic Perspectives

d. 9. juli 2020



Samantha Buckman

d. 9. juli 2020

"Serving as both an exciting testament to the creative powers of industrial metal and a memorial to one of its founding voices, "Project Regeneration Volume 1" is the Static-X album to both reaffirm long standing talents and push ever-bolder creative boundaries".


d. 14. juli 2020



Sebastian Taylor Bach

d. 14. juli 2020

"Det er svært at forestille sig en ny Static-X udgivelse, havde Wayne Richard Wells stadig levet. Men hvor er 'Project Regeneration Volume 1' da bare en smart og tilsyneladende veleksekveret ide ... Nogen vil nok mene, at det er lidt for smart. Nogen vil måske endda påstå, at det handler om penge frem for kunstnerisk integritet. Nogen vil måske bare nyde at få nyt Static-X-materiale, og så endda med Wayne Static på vokal".

Consequence of sound

d. 10. juli 2020



Colette Claire

d. 10. juli 2020

"Vurdering: B+" - "Considering that Project Regeneration Vol. 1 was pieced together from demos, it really is a commendable effort. What could seem like a cash grab is far from it. The album is a fully fleshed collection that properly cements Wayne's legacy. It is expertly produced and mixed by Ulrich Wild, who helmed Static-X's first four albums. The LP also contains additional vocals and guitars from the mysterious Xer0, who donned a mask while fronting Static-X on their "Wisconsin Death Trip 20th Anniversary Tour". Since the band ended up with enough material for two albums, fans will be eagerly awaiting Project Regeneration Vol. 2. Let's hope it packs the same punch as this current collection of songs".