Musik / rock


Anmeldelser (3)

Louder than war

d. 7. mar. 2022



Wayne Carey

d. 7. mar. 2022

"Album of the week" - "The Mysterines finally arrive with their long awaited debut album that goes straight for the jugular, with thirteen tracks of supreme quality garage grunge fronted by the tantalising hair raising vocals of future rock star Lia Metcalfe, backed by her band of sonic brothers. Wayne AF Carey does the business...".


d. 10. mar. 2022



Graeme Marsh

d. 10. mar. 2022

"Reeling firmly puts The Mysterines on the map. It may not be a debut as eye-catching as, say, My Love Is Cool (Wolf Alice) or Silence Yourself (Savages) but it does what it needs to do, which is to introduce you to a band you want to hear more of".


d. 10. mar. 2022



Rhys Buchanan

d. 10. mar. 2022

"After meeting the four-piece on home soil in early 2020, NME touted The Mysterines as a band "poised to be the nation's next favourite rock gang". `Reeling' is an album that sees them grab that title - but it doesn't sound like they ever had any other plan".