Musik / rock

Refractory obdurate

Anmeldelser (2)


d. 1. maj 2014



Grayson Haver Currin

d. 1. maj 2014

"Edwards and his supporting trio haven't simply plugged in and turned up; rather, they've simply expanded the scope and shifted the balance of everything that's long made Wovenhand's music interesting. In the process, the re-energized Edwards is as good as he's been years. Edwards works through these songs with archaic words such as "doth" and religious references so specific that you'll need to set aside some research time in order to parse the lyrical pieces. But he refers to his god as benevolent and beautiful, a passive leader who only enacts vengeance upon the wicked".

Gaffa [online]

d. 25. apr. 2014



Finn P. Madsen

d. 25. apr. 2014

"Sjældent har Wovenhand været så udfarende og tunge i deres udtryk, som de er i det Herrens år 2014. Masonic Youth er riffhuggende post-punk, mens det gotiske maler himlen sort på The Refractory. Indimellem synes al den alvor for meget, men så alligevel formår Edwards med hypnotiserende kraft at fastholde én som lytter på det, der må føles som på grænsen til dommedag".