Musik / rock

Return to forever

Anmeldelser (2)


d. 21. feb. 2015



Daniel Dias

d. 21. feb. 2015

"Return To Forever can be a bit of a complicated album to listen to. Its flagrant inconsistency can detract some listeners, but longtime fans will most certainly find some surprises to look back at and enjoy. Sonically, it's identical to most of Scorps' albums since '91, so people know what they're going to be in for if they check it out, but fans surely won't mind a lack of experimentation and should be satisfied about the overall effort, because considering they've been a band for 50 years, they could've done a lot worse".





Fred Thomas


"The songwriting here is on par with some of the band's best work, which figures, as they've been working in a field they helped originate for decades. Fans of the band's best-loved material will immediately connect with the fun-loving party burners and soft-edged power balladry of the album, all leaning just enough on the band's own storied past for influence but inspired enough to avoid dipping into self-parody. They pretty much wrote the book on sleazy FM radio metal, so in the case of revisiting their glory days on Return to Forever, who's to blame the Scorpions for taking a few pages from the book they wrote themselves?".