Musik / operaarier

Roma travestita

Anmeldelser (4)

Presto classical

d. 1. okt. 2022



Katherine Cooper

d. 1. okt. 2022

"Editor's choice - September 2022: Extending up to an easy high D (and he has more in reserve above that!), the Brazilian male soprano's voice is an extraordinary instrument, with never a hint of strain up top and plenty of colour in the middle and lower regions. The flurries of stratospheric staccatos in arias by Vivaldi, Galuppi and Piccinni are executed with audacious ease, but de Sá is no mere canary: he has a real gift for declamatory drama and pathos as well as for pyrotechnics, and sounds fully inside every character in this recital of Italian baroque rarities".

BBC music magazine

2022 November



Christopher Cook (musikanmelder)

2022 November

"Bruno de Sá, a young Brazilian who describes himself as a sopranist, possesses a remarkable voice that is maybe as near to that of the castrato as we can hope to hear: de Sá's tone is firmer than many countertenors, with a greater vocal range and a perfectly respectable toffee-coloured chest register. His repertoire is unexpected, with many of these arias previously unrecorded ... Bruno de Sá sings with immaculate legato, and has a gift for scintillating decoration, dramatic octave drops and stratospheric ascents above the stave ... The dependable Il Pomo d'Oro conducted by Francesco Corti offer elegant support throughout".

Fono Forum

2022 November



Christoph Vratz

2022 November

"Der Brasilianer Bruno de Sá ist ein solcher ortskundiger Reiseführer, der alle Berge und Täler in dieser Musik bestens kennt. Sein Stimmfach: Sopran. Ausgewählt hat er für sein Album Werke vom Barock bis zur Frühklassik ... Die neue Einspielung bezeugt vor allem zweierlei: Bruno de Sá gestaltet mit hörbarer Freude und Klarheit ... Besonders überzeugen seine Spitzentöne - nicht aus sportlich-akrobatischer Sicht, sondern weil Bruno de Sá sie musikalisch klug einbettet, etwa indem er, wo nötig, die Dynamik zurücknimmt. Dass dieses Album in sich so stimmig ist, liegt auch am Ensemble Il pomo d'oro unter Francesco Corti, für dieses Repertoire vertraut ist".

The gramophone

2022 December



Alexandra Coghlan

2022 December

"Editor's choice: Bruno de Sá sings with immaculate legato, and has a gift for scintillating decoration, dramatic octave drops and stratospheric ascents above the stave ... The dependable Il Pomo d'Oro conducted by Franceso Corti offer elegant support throughout ... Sopranists may be the next big thing, but it'll be a rare one indeed who can beat this".