Musik / kor

Royal welcome songs for King Charles II

Anmeldelser (4)

d. 20. juli 2018



Raliza Nikolov

d. 20. juli 2018

"Dirigent und Orchester sind mit Sibelius lang vertraut, daraus entwickeln sie ihre atmosphärisch dichte Interpretation. Das gross besetzte Symphonieorchester spielt virtuos auf, Søndergård hat ein Händchen für die Balance zwischen samtenen Streichern, Holzbläsern und saftigem Blech. Die so oft gespielte Finlandia gewinnt hier ganz eigene Eleganz ... 90 Jahre BBC National Orchestra of Wales - Gratulation".


2018 octobre



Ivan A. Alexandre

2018 octobre

BBC music magazine

2018 July



Nicholas Anderson

2018 July

"The most extended pieces in this interesting programme are two Welcome Songs or odes celebrating the birthday of the restored monarch, Charles II ... As we should expect, these are cheerful pieces whose character is realised in the spontaneous responses of The Sixteen ... Taken together these compositions produce a colourful chiaroscuro of Purcell's music for the Restoration court".

The gramophone

2018 July



David Vickers

2018 July

"The Sixteen cleverly mix up secular, political and sacred pieces revolving around flattering court odes that welcomed the king and his retinue ... Elegantly appointed strings and sweet phrasing are spot-on for Welcome, Vicegerent of the mighty King; its lovely soprano duet ... and charming trio ... would not be out of place in any of Purcell's operas ... Christopher's sense of shapely natural pacing is unerring, although the frequent inclusion of anachronistic harp is a baffling whimsy".