Musik / klassisk musik 1950 ->


Anmeldelser (7)

MusicWeb international

2014 December



Dominy Clements

2014 December

"Vurdering: Recording of the month" - "The Ondine recording is also something of an exercise in hyper-reality, but the 5.0 surround experience is truly remarkable, and at times genuinely overwhelming. The performance is tremendously idiomatic and convincing. This production is an all-round winner from beginning to end".

BBC music magazine

2016 Christmas



Helen Wallace (musikanmelder)

2016 Christmas

"We have only to listen to [Berio's] exquisite song orchestrations, graced with Goerne on riveting, vibrant form, to feel the depth of his empathy, an almost palpable longing to be absorbed into that lost Viennese world ... This coupling is a must-have".

Fono Forum

2017 Januar



Christoph Vratz

2017 Januar

"Da Goerne so ungemenin textverständlich singt und jedes Detail der Partitur genau verinnerlicht hat, ensteht ... ein eindrucksvolles Tondokument, reich an Farben und Nuancen".


2015, nr. 60



Axel Lindhe

2015, nr. 60

"Sinfonia har sedan tidigare begåvats med fina inspelningar av bland annat Chailly (Decca), men Lintus tolkning står sig gott i sällskapet och lyckas skapa den suggestiva atmosfär som den här musiken kräver. I Calmo ... excellerar mezzon Virpi Räisäinen med uttrycksfull och känslig röst ... Charmiga lilla stycket Ritirata Notturna di Madrid ... spelas här med lätthet och elegans av den förträffliga finska radioorkestern".

The gramophone

2016 December



Peter Quantrill

2016 December

"The coupling of this disc is original and soundly conceived ... Much as I liked Hannu Lintu's Ondine recording, this new one feels even truer to the spirit of '68 which inspiret Sinfonia".

International record review

2015 January



Raymond S. Tuttle

2015 January

"This new SACD from Finland is quite a strong contender in some ways. The engineering is brilliant and occasionally brutal ... and conductor Hannu Lintu ... has a firm grasp on Berio's intensions".

The gramophone

2015 January



Peter Quantrill

2015 January

"Vurdering: G (Editor's choice)" - "The eight solo voices don't draw the attention as much as on other recordings, but the import of their texts, both Lévi-Strauss and street slogans, is carried by the orchestral commentary, not least the excellent brass section of the Finnish Rdio Symphony Orchestra".