Musik / klaverkoncerter

Daphnis et Chloé : complete ballet


Summary: The Boston Symphony Orchestra continues its long tradition of excellent recordings of French works with a performance of Ravel's classic ballet, which features conductor James Levine.

Anmeldelser (37)

Classics today

d. 20. apr. 2009



David Hurwitz

d. 20. apr. 2009

"Just about everything goes right here. The opening scene, so often taken too languorously, moves forward with an energy and purpose that still never slights the music's sensuality ... Throughout it all the orchestra plays magnificently, the chorus is excellently balanced and atmospheric, the live audience decently quiet if not entirely inaudible".

Klassik heute

d. 4. mar. 2015



Christoph Schlüren

d. 4. mar. 2015

"Das Rotterdamer Philharmonische Orchester ist ein exzellentes Ensemble und versteht betörend, ... rein intonierend, rhythmisch sehr exakt und mit Verve zu musizieren, und mit dem Chefdirigenten Yannick Nézet-Séguin ist man hörbar quasi blind vertraut. Auch die Vocalisen sind beim von Gijs Leenaars einstudierten Niederländischen Rundfunk-Chor in solidesten Händen".

The guardian

d. 9. nov. 2023



Erica Jeal

d. 9. nov. 2023

"Wilson has produced a new edition - but, while generations of musicians to come will thank him, his amendments, small and often subtle, are not really this recording's USP. Instead, it's the quality of the performance by the Sinfonia of London ... It opens with a long first crescendo that just keeps on growing, and this burgeoning wall of sound in turn gives way to melodic playing of a Hollywood golden age kind of lushness".

Classics today




Victor Carr Jr.


"Bernard Haitink's somewhat stogy tempo for the opening movement of Poulenc's Gloria (Gloria in excelsis deo) initially raises fears of a dull performance to come. But such concerns are soon alleviated as he picks up the pace from there on. There's certainly nothing dull about the singing ... These same qualities present even more strongly in Ravel's Daphnis et Chloé ... Haitink's Daphnis doesn't displace the classic versions, but it's very good, and coupled with the Poulenc makes for a highly enjoyable disc".

The guardian

d. 6. apr. 2017



Andrew Clements (musikanmelder)

d. 6. apr. 2017

"With the strings playing on gut and wind instruments from the early years of the 20th century (all detailed in the sleeve notes), the sound is fabulously transparent; every detail of the woodwind and brass articulation, so minutely specified by Ravel, is clear".

MusicWeb international

2024 January



Stephen Barber (musikanmelder)

2024 January

"Recommended: Daphnis and Chloe is, I think, Ravel's finest work and it has had several good recordings over the years ... Now John Wilson, who has already made some fine recordings of French music, has entered the field ... The result is a wonderfully refined and atmospheric performance ... In fact, all the big scenes are well done ... Warmly recommended".

Presto classical

d. 3. nov. 2023



Katherine Cooper

d. 3. nov. 2023

"Recording of the week: Wilson's forensic attention to detail and the superb clarity of the recorded sound ensure that every subtle amendment to phrasing, articulation, dynamics, tempo and technical instructions registers if you're listening out for it. Whilst the individual changes might sound like small fry in isolation, the end result sounds fresh, nuanced and ever-so-slightly uncanny".

MusicWeb international

2023 December



David McDade

2023 December

"Recommended: Wilson has prepared a new version of the score for this recording, correcting hundreds of little errors that have crept into the published score, and that level of familiarity with the nuts and bolts of the work really counts. Nothing is approximate or sketchy. Every one of the many, many textures is carefully and precisely rendered and the effect is startling ... This recording is one to be listened to again and again".

MusicWeb international




Michael Cookson


"Does not inspire and with only one work included represents poor value".

MusicWeb international

2017 June



Simon Thompson (musikanmelder)

2017 June

"Recording of the month: Their previous results have been a revelation, and this Daphnis is every bit as good ... But the real revelations come thanks to his choices of instruments. His musicians play on instruments that are contemporary to Paris at the time of the work's premiere ... The results are magnificent, and made me hear this score with fresh ears ... In fact, it hits you right from the beginning with a beautifully shimmering opening ... In short, this is a hit ... How lucky we are that Les Siècles have made this sort of musical archaeology their business!".

Presto classical

d. 14. apr. 2017



Katherine Cooper

d. 14. apr. 2017

"I must confess that I han't fully appreciated just how much the sonorities of early twentieth-century instruments differ from their modern counterparts until I gave this recording a whirl; the veiled, soft-grained sonorities bring out all the hazy sensuality of Ravel's score".


d. 26. okt. 2006



John Christiansen

d. 26. okt. 2006

"Ravels store atmosfærefyldte balletpartitur er rent ud fantastisk ... Den koreanske dirigent Myung-Whun Chung, bror til violinistinden Kyung-Wha Chung, står i spidsen for Den franske Radios filharmoniske Orkester, og han får indrømmet ikke alle partiturets overraskelser og finheder med, men orkesterspillet er flot i en fremragende teknisk gengivelse".

Berlingske tidende

d. 12. sep. 2006



Søren Kassebeer

d. 12. sep. 2006

"Partituret lægger op til sanselig velklang af den allermest raffinerede slags, men det er også sin sag at forløse det, og for Myung-Whun Chung i spidsen for den franske radios kor og orkester lykkes det kun delvist".


d. 14. nov. 2006



Jan Jacoby

d. 14. nov. 2006

"Musikken fremmaner en idealiseret drømmeverden med hele den eskapistisk sensuelle eventyrlyst, der kendetegner Ravels mærkelige barnesjæl. Der er noget Peter Pan over det, og fra først til sidst bliver man holdt i ånde af eksotisk farvepragt, simrende impressionistiske stemninger, pikante pantomimer og ekstatiske danse. Chung er født i Korea, men har boet og arbejdet så længe i Frankrig, at han har fransk æstetik helt inde under huden, og orkestret kan sin Ravel ... Mageløst!".


d. 25. aug. 2008



John Christiansen

d. 25. aug. 2008

"SWR Sinfonieorchester Baden-Baden und Freiburg fyrer den af under Michael Gielen og Marcello Viotti i cd nummer to til ære for Les Ballets Russes. Ravels Daphnis et Chloé og den vittige Les Biches af Poulenc er på vej mod fem stjerner".

Kristeligt dagblad

d. 27. sep. 2006



Bernhard Lewkovitch

d. 27. sep. 2006

"Her på denne nybagte cd fra DGG er en begavet dirigent opmærksom på ikke alene Ravels uhyre velordnede partitur med forskrifter om klang og balance, men tillige på den skrøbelige almene tilstand der hersker, når forskrifterne skal doceres og virkeliggøres. Her er det klogt at sordinere såvel sprog som handling, og at dette har været tilfældet i denne forbindelse, vidner produktet om fra først til sidst".

Fono Forum

2016 Mai



Thomas Schulz (f. 1960)

2016 Mai

"Die aktuelle CD erreicht indes das Niveau ihrer Vorgängerinnen nicht ganz ... Dass das Klangbild in Fortissimo-Passagen zum Verklumpen neigt, trägt zum eher zwiespältigen Gesamteindruck bei".


2016 avril



François Laurent

2016 avril

BBC music magazine

2016 April



Roger Nichols (musikanmelder)

2016 April

"Generally sympathetic and finely played interpretations, marrred by the occasional weakness".

Fono Forum

2011 Februar



Michael Kube

2011 Februar

"Zu dieser fraglos beeindruckenden Quantität kommt aber noch das durchgehend hohe bis höchste Niveau der Produktionen - ein Niveau, das auf seine Art fast schon provozierend wirkt".


2011 mars



François Lauernt

2011 mars


2016, nr. 40



Jens Cornelius

2016, nr. 40

"Som regel hører [man] Daphnis og Chloé i de korte suiter med uddrag. Men man skal høre det hele, for balletten har en smuk form og er faktisk endnu mere underholdende i sammenhæng end højdepunkterne er for sig selv. Et godt råd er at høre musikken i denne indspilning, der er totalt overlegen. Orkestret fra Rotterdam er i hænderne på en mesterlig dirigent ... Resultatet er ekstrem velklang, blød som smør, men alligevel præcis ... Suverænt".

BBC music magazine

2015 April



Roger Nichols (musikanmelder)

2015 April

"Vurdering: BBC music orchestral choice" - "The playing throughout is the highest class".

BBC music magazine

2023 Christmas


2023 Christmas

"This is, generally, a stunning performance, whether the kaleidoscopic wind colours of the part-one dances or ravishing glories of the part-three sunrise. Moreover, Chandos certainly know how to capture Ravel's complex orchestral score, with an ideal combination of a warm glow and sense of space, without losing any of the minutiae".

BBC music magazine

2006 September



Christopher Dingle

2006 September

"Though there is much to admire, like the recording, Chung falls short of even his recent rivals. There is his usual finesse, but he lacks the drive and raw energy of Dutoit or Boulez".

Fono Forum

2017 Juli



Christoph Vratz

2017 Juli

"Die Musiker von Les Siècles mit ihren historischen Instrumenten ... [hat] der üppige Orchesterklang - nie hat Ravel für ein grösseres Orchester komponiert - ... flexibler umgesetzt, mal kammermusikalisch hauchzart und zerbrechlich, mal in all seiner Grösse knorrig und überrumpelnd, zumal wenn das Schlagwerk hinzutritt".

BBC music magazine

2017 July



Roger Nichols (musikanmelder)

2017 July

"There are some excellent things on this disc: full rein given to the ballet's explosive side, often underplayed; as part of that, the wide range observed in crescendo markings, the underplaying of which Ravel himself complained about; splendidly rude bassoons for Dorcon's clumsy dance; and beautiful flute playing from Marion Ralincourt".


2017 avril



François Laurent

2017 avril

International record review

2010 December



Mark Pullinger

2010 December

"High voltage, but not high speed. Gergiev doesn't charge his way through the score ... Gergiev compares favourably with the best modern acounts ... Gergiev's Bolero has precision and power and it concludes a most satisfying disc".

International record review

2009 May



Julian Haylock

2009 May

"For Levine Ravel is clearly no cold manipulator of sound but rather a radiant creative presence with a heart of gold. Warmly recommended".

The gramophone

2015 May



Geoffrey Norris

2015 May

"Yannick Nézet-Séguin certainly has confidence in the musicians of the Rotterdam Philharmonic Orchestra to deliver a veiled, magical sound, and they live up to the expectations here not merely in the hushed swathes of the Introduction and "Danse religieuse", but also in the wider spectra of sonority, atmosphere and colour that Ravel conjures up through his discreet, sentient use of a vast orchestra".

The gramophone

2023 November



David Gutman

2023 November

"Editor's choice: Wilson aims to unite the Apollonian and Dionysian, as perspicacious about matters of sonority and articulation as Roth while operating at higher emotional voltage ... Wilson's preoccupation with colour and texture extends to the vowel sounds of the chorus ... Not the least of the glories of the present set is the sound per se ... No coupling but for my money this is the finest recorded Daphnis for a generation".

International record review

2009 July/August



Ian Kulier

2009 July/August

"After a disppointingly lacklustre Mahler First from Bernard Haitink on th Chicago Symphony's own label ... this more than redresses the balance ... It features one of the most distinguished and atmospheric choral contributions ever caught on the wing ... The unexpected bonus is an outstanding performances of Poulenc's irresistibly naughty Gloria".

International record review

2008 July/August



Patrick Rucker

2008 July/August

"The present volume is impeccably engineered, with a true-to-life acoustic that conveys the orchestra's beautifully blended and sensous sound ... Warmly recommended".


d. 5. okt. 1999


d. 5. okt. 1999

The gramophone

2017 June



Mark Pullinger

2017 June

"Editor's choice: Les Siècles' French-built woodwind and brass instruments from the early 20th century ... provide greater tonal sweetness, especially the Selmer trumpets ... Lean gut strings achieve feathery lightness ... With fine choral contributions from the Ensemble Aedes, this new recording is highly recommended".