Musik / country

Songs of the plains


Summary: After two years of relentless touring, Colter Wall wanted to make an album about home. Drawing on the stories of Saskatchewan, Canada, the young songwriter's corner of the world takes shape throughout his second full-length album. Produced by Dave Cobb in Nashville's Studio A, the project combines striking original folk songs, well-chosen outside cuts, and a couple of traditional songs that reflect his roots growing up in the small city of Swift Current.

Anmeldelser (2)

American songwriter

d. 10. okt. 2018



Hal Horowitz

d. 10. okt. 2018

"This is unadulterated troubadour music. Whether Wall is covering cowboy traditionals such as "Tying Knots In The Devil's Tail" and "Night Herding Song," or contributing an original trucker tune like "Thinkin' On A Woman," the vibe is one of an itinerant singer taking his music town to town. These performances could have come from an old Folkways album. Colter Wall captures a long-forgotten time and place, keeping the cowboy folklore alive by reminding us that poignant songs sung by a superb singer will never sound outdated".


d. 15. okt. 2018



Amanda Wicks

d. 15. okt. 2018

"With his husky, sensitive baritone, this son of Canada's Prairie Provinces mixes the tales of modern and historic wanderers on his second sterling album of traditional folk and country".