Musik / kor

St. Luke passion : sacred works

Anmeldelser (3)

MusicWeb international

2016 September



John Quinn (musikanmelder)

2016 September

"Passion according to St Luke is a remarkable composition. It's concise but that doesn't stop it being dramatic - at times graphic - and eloquent. I found it very moving. The performance is superb. Among a trio of fine soloists Ieva Parša is outstanding and the choir and orchestra are magnificent ... All the music on this disc is very well worth hearing. It confirms Ēriks Ešenvalds as a leading light in contemporary choral music ... Highly imaginative music by Ēriks Ešenvalds in superb performances".


2017 mai



Benoît Fauchet

2017 mai

The gramophone

2016 August



Ivan Moody (f. 1964)

2016 August

"Vurdering: Editor's choice" - "It's an unusual and highly effective beginning, and I can say that it is unlike any other setting of the Passion with which I am familiar ... One could hardly ask for better performers in this repertoire ... A superb release".