Musik / kor

Messe C-dur

Anmeldelser (10)

Presto classical

d. 31. dec. 2018



Katherine Cooper

d. 31. dec. 2018

"Editors choices - December 2018: A buoyant and incisive live performance from Jansons and his Bavarian forces, with the large chorus and strings on particularly trenchant form, not least in the nimble 'Et vitam venturi' section of the Credo. The solo quartet blends well, with Luca Pisaroni launching the 'Et resurrexit' with real conviction and wonder. An exhilarating account of Leonore III is much more than a makeweight, echoing the sense of deliverance and jubilation of the Mass itself in miniature".


d. 18. nov. 2008



Henrik Friis (f. 1978)

d. 18. nov. 2008

"Her er Beethoven i den tunge ende ... Koret brager de latinske messeled ud i en blanding af pomp, pragt og intens dybde og med noget af den samme rullende heltedåd som den samtidige tredje symfoni 'Eroica'. Det kunne have været godt at få messen med den samme slanke dramatik, som kan gøre 'Eroica' så god. Og så kunne det have været rart at høre lidt mere til orkestret, især strygerne, i stedet for det dominerende kor. De synger glimrende, men alligevel".

BBC music magazine

2019 April



Oliver Condy

2019 April

"Thrilling playing and solid singing from a reliable crack team - the superb recorded sound brings Beethoven's liturgical work to almost operatic life".

Fono Forum

2019 April



Thomas Otto

2019 April

"Jansons hat mit dem Orchester und dem Chor des Bayerischen Rundfunks ein bestens geeignetes Instrument zur Hand ... Die Anwendung von Beethovens genau disponierten musikdramaturgischen Kriterien wie Dynamik, Tempowechsel, der Wechsel von Solisten und Chor, findet unter Jansons auf grosser Bühne statt".

Fono Forum

2009 März



M. S

2009 März

"Und so fragt man sich, trotz des exzelllenten Orchesters und eines namhaft besetzen Solistenquartetts, ob diese Einspielung wirklich unbedingt hat sein müssen".


2013 juin



Patrick Szersnovicz

2013 juin

Fono Forum

2013 Dezember



Michael Kube

2013 Dezember

"Vurdering: Tipp" - "Welsch ein Gewinn damit verbunden ist, das zeigt Frieder Bernius mit seinen wieder einmal glänzend disponierten Ensembles in einer auch akustisch fulminanten Einspielung, bei der einfach alles stimmt ... Ein grosser Wurf".

BBC music magazine

2013 September



Michael Tanner (musikanmelder)

2013 September

"Bernius favours a severe, even austere approach, as if the work is actually being performed during a service, but that does bring out the intensity of the many surprising contrasts".

The gramophone

2019 January



Peter Quantrill

2019 January

"Instrumental colours are bright, exact and assertive. Were there a slider for musical rather than picture contrast, it would be set at maximum ... Beethoven insisted that they keynotes of his Mass were cheerfulness and gentleness, and these qualities are evident in a tenderly shaped Sanctus and Benedictus".

The gramophone

2008 November



Edward Greenfield

2008 November

"This is more vigorous and intense, less heavy, than his earlier version ... and makes a welcome assition ti the catalogue".