Musik / kammermusik

String quartet no. 2, op. 26


Summary: The Jerusalem Quartet plays music by Schulhoff, Korngold, and Desyatnikov. With soprano Hilla Bagio.

Anmeldelser (6)

MusicWeb international

2022 February



Marc Rochester

2022 February

"The Alma Quartet from The Netherlands chose to record these two works direct to disc; which is to say these are live, unedited recordings, with all the sense of excitement and adrenalin that entails, but made in a studio setting, which means the sound is top notch ... That live feel is very evident here, and the performance benefits hugely from the palpable sense of both tension and sustained involvement that comes with it ... one really does feel that these players are on a real knife-edge ... These are very good performances by any yardstick, and the sound, while possibly a little brittle, is splendidly clear and detailed".

BBC music magazine

2022 February



Jessica Duchen

2022 February

"This is a so-called 'direct to disc' recording: the pieces are played straight through in a studio, unedited, to simulate the freshness and adrenaline-rush of a live concert. While there are small technical glitches here and there, it largely succeeds; so, too, does the group's 'storytelling' approach to the works in hand. Their interpretation of No. 2 has a wonderful delicacy and intimacy, with a vivid sense of characterisation ... and they meet technical challenges with aplomb. No. 3 ... is based on some of his film music - and it sounds fantastic. The Alma Quartet approaches the work's astringency and brittleness with just as much sympathy and imagination as they bring to No. 2's Viennese schwung".

BBC music magazine

2019 September



Jessica Duchen

2019 September

"Chamber choice: This 'concept' album pays personal and original tribute to pre-war Jewish life in central Europe. The Jerusalem Quartet has assembled a well-contrasted array of music ... The result couldn't be much better if it tried. The quartet gets under Korngold's skin to a splendid degree, presenting his 1933 String Quartet Nos 2 with all the echt-Viennese schwung, vigour, airiness and colour that it needs ... Hila Baggio's voice proves ideal for the cabaret-fusion Desyatnikov: light yet strong, with good Yiddish diction ... Recording sound quality throughout is warm and clear, beautifully enhancing the total impression".


2019 été



Nicolas Derny

2019 été

Fono Forum

2019 Oktober



Susanne Benda

2019 Oktober

"Welchen Einfluss hatte jüdische Musik nach dem Ersten Weltkrieg auf Europa und auf die Welt, und haben vielleicht auch kleine, bescheidene Brettl-Songs Einfluss gehabt, ja Geschichte geschrieben? Diese Fragen hat sich das Jerusalem Quartet gestellt - und das Programm dieser wirklich schönen CD zusammengestellt. Zentrum des Projekts ist die Ersteinspielung einer Bearbeitung von fünf jiddischen Liedern ... Der Russe Leonid Desyatnikov hat die auf polnischen Kabarettsongs fussenden Stücke ... 2018 als Auftragswerk komponiert. Die Sopranistin Hila Baggio findet ... genau den richtigen Tonfall zwischen Spiel, Witz, Derbheit und verhüllter Melancholie".

The gramophone

2019 July



Richard Whitehouse

2019 July

"Whatever one makes of the title, 'The Yiddish Cabaret' is an enjoyable if rather lopsided concept, with the main work opening the programme ... The Jerusalem Quartet have the measure ... with its aching harmonics and eloquent cantilena, that proves the highlight ... Those investing in the Jerusalem's option will find standards of both playing and recording on a par with the ensemble's previous releases from this source, and hence wholly recommendable".