Musik / rock

Studio zoo

Anmeldelser (2)

The guardian

d. 22. aug. 2013



Caroline Sullivan

d. 22. aug. 2013

"Faulkner is forever fretting and apologising for his very existence, to the point of telling his girlfriend, on At the Seams: "As if your life wasn't hard enough, you chose me." Had he stopped burying the emotions under passive-aggressive sweetness and let his voice ratchet up a few notches, this could have been an interesting album. The place to start would have been the aptly titled opener, Where to Start, in which José Gonzálezish dream-pop strumming damps down the frustration of romantic disappointment".


d. 25. aug. 2013




d. 25. aug. 2013

"Faulkner may never again be able to reach the outstanding songwriting ability and consistency that his debut album showcased; but his lyrical, vocal and instrumental talents are just as good (if not better) than ever. More than anything, he proves that he is still a master at evoking, controlling and directing the emotions of his audience, and it is at this that he truly excels on Studio Zoo".