Musik / klassiske symfonier

Symphonies nos. 6 & 8

Anmeldelser (11)

2017 October



Robert Matthew-Walker

2017 October

"It is the emotion of Vaughan Williams's Sixth Symphony that immediately strikes the listener ... On balance I regard Elder's interpretation on this Hallé release to be the finest and most convincing. It is magnificent in terms of insight and coherence, sweeping away any reservations I might have had regarding the Symphony as a whole ... No matter how many recordings you may have of these works, I urge you to acquire this - it is quite something".

MusicWeb international

2022 October



John Quinn (musikanmelder)

2022 October

"Brabbins obtains very withdrawn, sensitive playing from the BBCSO in a performance that is properly other-worldly. I think this is a very fine account of the Sixth ... It sounds as if Brabbins and the orchestra are having fun here, though there's no excessive relaxation; the playing is as precise as you could wish for. This is an excellent performance of the Eighth which I enjoyed very much indeed ... This is another very welcome instalment in Martyn Brabbins' Vaughan Williams symphony cycle. The performances are both authoritative and excellent".

MusicWeb international

2022 November



Nick Barnard (musikanmelder)

2022 November

"As the actual 150th anniversary of Vaughan Williams' birth on October 12th approaches, the fifth volume of Martyn Brabbins' symphony cycle has arrived ... The disc opens with an impressive performance of Symphony No 6 in E minor ... For me the main companion work on this disc the Symphony No 8 in D minor is a significantly lesser score albeit a superbly crafted one ... This performance by Martin Brabbins and the BBC SO is the equal of any recent performance I have heard ... One of the features of this Hyperion cycle has been the inclusion of rare and unusual music as the fillers ... This cycle of the Vaughan Williams symphonies goes from strength to strength ... Everything about this Hyperion release is admirable ... The final release is eagerly awaited".

BBC music magazine

2017 December



Stephen Johnson (f. 1955)

2017 December

"Orchestral choice: Elder builds his climaxes carefully, and judges their relative effect with a sculptural objectivity that enhances rather than lessens the total impression ... What moved me most, though, was the sense of craggy dignity conveyed by both symphonies. This above all is what prevents them from coming across as onslaughts of pure pessimism. The playing - as usual with Elder's Hallé - is outstanding, technically and expressively".


2022 decembre



Patrick Szersnovicz

2022 decembre

BBC music magazine

2022 November



Stephen Johnson (f. 1955)

2022 November

"Wonderful as it is to hear the Eighth treated with the respect it deserves, the main focus has to be on Symphony No. 6. Even against formidable competition, Martyn Brabbins impresses handsomely. Nothing is forced - the fury and the anguish, the grandeur and the desolation seem almost to speak for themselves ... The Eighth is a gentler, more personable affair, but the quality of the invention is high".

The gramophone

2017 October



Andrew Achenbach

2017 October

"The fifth instalment in Mark Elder's Vaughan Williams symphony cycle launches with a strikingly lithe, poised and painstakingly prepared reading of the Sixth, culminating in a superbly controlled, raptly questing Epilogue which (for once) unfolds at a true pianissimo throughout ... Overall, one admires without being truly swept away - an observation that extends to this new Fourth".

The gramophone

2022 December



Andrew Achenbach

2022 December

"We've reached the penultimate volume in Martyn Brabbins's stimulating RVW symphony cycle for Hyperion. Proceedings are launched with a scrupulously prepared and enviably cogent account of the towering Sixth ... The Eighth, too, is most persuasively served. Again, the BBC SO is on its toes throughout, and Brabbins's direction is unfailingly attentive and selfless".


d. 13. feb. 2000


d. 13. feb. 2000

Berlingske tidende

d. 19. maj 1999


d. 19. maj 1999

High fidelity

1999 6


1999 6