Musik / klassiske symfonier

Symphony no. 3

Anmeldelser (3)

BBC music magazine

2017 May



Geoff Brown (musikanmelder)

2017 May

"Occasionally the orchestra is too beefy, but you cannot fault the performance's warmth or the haunting final chimes ... Davis's loving care stands out in the opening tribute to Stephen Foster".

Classical music

2017 May



Guy Weatherall

2017 May

"The third symphony can seem a slight work under some conductors: here it shines ... The fourth symphony is a very different beast, wild and unpredictable, but Davis somehow keeps it together: it has never sounded better on record and Bavouzet is the very definition of luxury casting, here on top form. Generously coupled ... this is a most enticing disc".

The gramophone

2017 April



Philip Kennicott

2017 April

"The string sound from Melbourne is appropriately rich, and from time to time it is applied with a nice, almost Brahmsian sheen ... an English conductor producing such estimable Ives with an Australian orchestra".