Musik / klassiske symfonier

Symphony no. 14

Anmeldelser (13)

Classics today




David Hurwitz


"This is a sensational performance, the first that truly vies with the classic Rostropovich/Vishnevskaya/Reshetin for supremacy. Vasily Petrenko enjoys the distinct advantage of two absolutely fabulous young soloists ... As for the conducting, Petrenko is more than gripping ... This is just stunning, one of the finest releases in what is already an exceptional cycle".

d. 20. feb. 2024



Oliver Bernhardt

d. 20. feb. 2024

"Eine neue Aufnahme des gros dimensionierten, knapp einstündigen Werks ist beim Label Alpha Classics erschienen. Besonders hochkarätige Stimmen konnten auch hierfür gewonnen werden, Asmik Grigorian übernimmt die Sopranpartie, Matthias Goerne die Bassstimme. Letztere kommt gleich zu Beginn im 'De profundis" zum charismatischen, wenn auch noch bewusst verhaltenen ... zum dynamisch deutlich gesteigerten und nach und nach schliesslich eisern zupackenden Einsatz. In 'Malagueña" und 'Les attentives I" lebt Grigorian extrovertierte Affekte aus ... In 'Loreley", 'Les attentives II" und im 'Schlussstück" interagieren beide Solostimmen mit hoch konzentrierter wechselseitiger Intensität".

MusicWeb international

2023 June



Néstor Castiglione

2023 June

"Recommended: John Storgårds is perhaps the first conductor on records to acknowledge that the last five Shostakovich symphonies form a series unto themselves, apart from the ten that preceded them ... Storgårds' recording also illuminates qualities that were new to late Shostakovich, especially the fragile beauty and lyricism that flicker in its most moving pages ... Contralto Jess Dandy intuits and discloses the strength at the heart of the Six Poems of Marina Tsevateya, the symphony's discmate, delivering the most opulent performance of this song cycle since Irina Bogacheva's".


d. 28. nov. 2017



Thomas Michelsen

d. 28. nov. 2017

"En 9 år gammel optagelse af en ... nyere russisk symfoni, nemlig Sjostakovitjs dystre nummer 14 fra slutningen af 1960' erne, er ude på et nypresset album ... Her lader en ung Currentzis musikken tale uden at presse den. Resultatet er en enkel, intens oplevelse, der har stor glæde af Peter Migunovs rene klare bas og den dramatisk skuespilleragtige Julia Korpachevas fint styrede sopran".

BBC music magazine

2008 January



Calum Macdonald

2008 January

"This is an extremely dramatic and atmospheric performance of the Shostakovich 14th Symphony, the more unusual for being conducted from the concertmaster's desk .. this new ECM version is among the best if you want and utterly bleak, echt-Russian approach, and if you're intrigued to hear a very unusual version of the Mahler Adagio".

BBC music magazine

2014 May



David Nice

2014 May

"Vinogradov is the genuine bass article but his pitches can be approximate ... Orchestral double basses, though, have terrific impact ... The frenzy and the dances bite deep under Petrenko, but it's still not enough to put this in the front rank of Fourteenths"".


2014, nr. 34



Jens Cornelius

2014, nr. 34

"I dag er det en svær opgave at genfinde den grad af protest, der er lagt i musikken. Men Vasily Petrenko og især bassolisten Alexander Vinogradov kombinerer en ivrig kampgejst med kynisk afklarede konstateringer, og det er aldeles overbevisende".

BBC music magazine

2023 September



Daniel Jaffé

2023 September

"This is mandatory listening for anyone who cares for this 20th-centenary composer. Here they are given fine performances, most particularly of Symphony no. 14 ... The BBC Philharmonic under John Storgårds, in this third instalment of their symphonic Shostakovich series, are exemplary, whether in the sotto voce opening of the Symphony, or in the horrif ic aural images conjured in 'The Suicide'".

Fono Forum

2024 Januar



Thomas Schulz (f. 1960)

2024 Januar


2017, nr. 47



Per Rask Madsen

2017, nr. 47

"Sjostakovith har begået en uhyre dramatisk genistreg for to sangsolister og et kammerorkester ... Det hele synges på russisk, hvilket kildrer dejligt eksotisk, men også gøre teksten svær at følge med i ... Teodor Currentzis og hans MusicAeterna ... spiller partituret, som gjaldt det liv og død. Sopranen Julia Korpacheva og bassen Peter Migunov ... er verdensklasse ... MusicAeterna ... får partituret til at lyde af meget mere, end Sjostakovitj kunne have drømt om".

The gramophone

2014 June



David Gutman

2014 June

"Vurdering: G (Editor's choice)" - "Strongly recommended".

International record review

2014 May



Robert Matthew-Walker

2014 May

"Vurdering: IRR outstanding" - "Instrumental mastery and a fine recording constitute parts of a succesful re-creation of this work, and in choice of soloists, also, their integration here within the core is also impressive".

The gramophone

2023 September



Edward Seckerson

2023 September

"The opening poem, 'De profundis' (Lorca), begins in a barely audible white-out of desolation - beautifully, atmospherically captured by John Storgårds's pared-down BBC Philharmonic (just strings and percussion) ... All praise to Rose for his Godunov-like authority and dignity 'In the Santé Prison' and Atherton for the keening memorability of her 'Suicide' - there is much to enjoy here".