Musik / klassiske symfonier

Symphony no 7

Anmeldelser (38)





Jim Leonard


"This magnificent 2008 recording of Shostakovich's mighty Seventh Symphony with Yuri Temirkanov and the St. Petersburg Philharmonic is even better than the magnificent 1995 RCA recording with the same performers ... The difference, perhaps, is that this recording is live, and the audience's energy and enthusiasm is reflected and amplified by musicians, resulting in a performance of staggering power, unrelenting passion, and wholehearted belief in the greatness of the music".

The telegraph

d. 16. maj 2013



Geoffrey Norris

d. 16. maj 2013

"The playing is not only well drilled throughout the four movements, it is also steeped in atmosphere that evokes a whole spectrum of emotions that seem to come as close to the nub of what Shostakovich was experiencing and voicing through his music as it is possible to be ... Petrenko's vision of it is thoroughly compelling".

MusicWeb international

2022 March



Roy Westbrook

2022 March

"I was fortunate to be at the concert that was the source of this recording and reviewed it very favourably. Now, score in hand, I can see that one source of its excellence is Noseda's scrupulous attention to the expression marks ... Overall, this is a notable addition to his ongoing LSO Live cycle. I have heard several instalments now live and then on disc, and feel it could yet be the cycle for our era ... There are many rivals ... but Gianandrea Noseda has his own virtues, and he too brings a tremendous sense of strength and purpose to this once controversial work".

MusicWeb international

2015 June



Dave Billinge

2015 June

"I cannot imagine a better recording of this Seventh Symphony arriving any time soon. Järvi, the RNO and the Polyhymnia recording team are to be congratulated".

MusicWeb international

2015 April



Dan Morgan (musikanmelder)

2015 April

"Vurdering: Recording of the month" - "The RNO strings sound glorious, the dark-toned woodwinds even more so, and it's impossible not to be moved ... Even if you prefer cruder, more equivocal accounts of this symphony you simply cannot overlook this extraordinary alternative. An unaffected, deeply humanising Seventh; quite possibly the best thing Paavo Järvi has ever done".

MusicWeb international

2015 June



John Quinn (musikanmelder)

2015 June

"There need be no reservations as to the quality of the performance and interpretation; this is now a leading choice for the Leningrad".

MusicWeb international

2019 October



Michael Cookson

2019 October

"The sound quality of the recording, made at the Philharmonie, Munich for radio broadcast by the Bayerischer Rundfunk, is first class, with satisfying clarity, presence and excellent balance. Although it is live, there is virtually no extraneous noise to worry about and the enthusiastic applause at the conclusion has been left in. Vera Baur is the author of the detailed booklet essay given in an English translation from the original German ... This new BR Klassik recording of the 'Leningrad' from Mariss Jansons is up there with the finest accounts I know".


d. 24. apr. 2015



Jens Povlsen

d. 24. apr. 2015

"Går man med forhåbninger om at høre Sjostakovitjs fem kvarter lange Leningrad-symfoni med et skæbnesvangert sug fra en belejrings mørke understrøm, bliver man ikke skuffet. Sult og sejr gennemsyrer fortolkningen fra Paavo Järvi og det russiske toporkester. Der er præcision i anvisningerne fra podiet, og balancen mellem instrumentgrupperne er eminent ... Man sidder rystet tilbage".

BBC music magazine

2013 March



Erik Levi

2013 March

"Nelsons and the CBSO propel the opening paragraph of the Symphony with tremendous energy and heroic determination, adopting a tempo that is perhaps a notch faster than Shostakovich's more measured direction of Allegretto ... There is some sensitive playing from the CBSO's wind section ... There's no doubt that this performance has many impressive moments".

Fono Forum

2013 Februar



Thomas Schulz (f. 1960)

2013 Februar

"Nuancenreicher ausmusiziert als in dieser Live-Aufnahme ist die 'Leningrader' selten zu hören ... Bei aller Kraftanstrengung wirken die zahlreichen Steigerungen und Höhepunkte als logische Fixpunkte einer genuin sinfonischen entwicklung. Das Orchester bewegt sich grössenteils auf höchstem Niveau".


2013 fevrier



Patrick Szersnovicz

2013 fevrier

BBC music magazine

2006 Proms



David Nice

2006 Proms

"Where Shostakovich's genius burns brighter earlier in the Symphony, Jansons asks for even more in the way of articulation than the sound demands .. Only if you want the whole thing ugly and raucous in true Soviet style will you want something different".

BBC music magazine

2022 March



Erik Levi

2022 March

"Orchestral choice: Recorded in remarkably vivid sound at the Barbican in December 2019, this is an exceptionally fine performance. Gianandrea Noseda brings a tremendous sense of strength and purpose to the opening ... The LSO's principal wind players excel in their many solos".


2022, nr. 66



Jeppe Rönnow

2022, nr. 66

"Ingen anden symfoni har haft så omfattende en virkningshistorie som "Leningradsymfonien" (Sjostakovitj' syvende) ... Dette kommer især frem i den lidt specielle indspilning med London Symphony Orchestra og den italienske dirigent Gianandrea Noseda. Den udmærker sig på to måder: i sin klanglige tilgang og sit fokus i finalesatsen. Frem for at lægge vægt på krigens gru og skarpe lyde er vægten i stedet lagt på æstetik og klang ... [Og] finalesatsens fokus, som både i tempo og klang ikke bliver fejende triumferende men tvetydig - lige i Sjostakovitjs ånd ... Det er elegant fortolket af Noseda og London-symfonikerne".

BBC music magazine

2015 August



David Nice

2015 August

"Paavo Järvi's Leningrad is the opposite of his father's 1988 epic with the Scottish National Orchestra - light, laconic and sonically lean where Neeme's recording was spectacularly big in every way".


2013, nr. 45



Thomas Roth

2013, nr. 45

"Sjostakovitjs sjunde symfoni, Leningrad, och Valery Gergiev är vänner. De har träffats förr och som alltid när de sammanstrålar så uppstår ett intressant utbyte och ljuv musik ... Förtrollande spelat av Mariinsky Orchestra. Ännu en fin utgåva i Gergievs serie om Sjostakovitjs 15 symfonier".

Fono Forum

2013 März



Giselher Schubert

2013 März

"Grosse interpretatorische Schwierigkeiten bereiteten nicht nur die gewaltigen Dimensionen des Werkes ... sondern auch Tempovorschriften ... Dass diese Probleme in einer russischen Einspielung mit besten Kräften überzeugend gelöst werden, war zu erwarten. Aber Valery Gergiev lässt zudem Motive und Themen, ja den einzelnen Ton ungemein intensiv und gewichtig artikulieren, ohne doch die Musik mit emotionalem Überdruck zu belasten".

BBC music magazine

2019 Christmas



Daniel Jaffé

2019 Christmas

"This is at least Mariss Jansons's third recording of the 'Leningrad' ... In this new recording ... Jansons's broad and noble charaterisation of the Symphony's opening ... is certainly not as arresting as the vigorous and purposeful start of his previous recording with the Royal Concertgebouw ... The rest, though adequately done, is not on the level of Jansons's recording with the RCO".


2019 décembre



Patrick Szersnovicz

2019 décembre


2013, nr. 31



Jens Cornelius

2013, nr. 31

"Hvor god en dirigent, Petrenko er, kan man forvisse sig om på den nyeste udgivelse ... den 80 minutter lange Leningradsymfoni. Og den spilles simpelthen forbløffende godt. Mere berømte orkestermaskiner bliver fejet af banen af andetholdet fra England, der er i topform. Petrenko styrer musikken med klart blik og stærke, seje bevægelser, og optagelser er spektakulær med et markant nærvær ... En fremragende orkesterleder".

Fono Forum

2013 August



Thomas Schulz (f. 1960)

2013 August

"Äusserste Transparenz in Kombination mit dirigentischer Übersicht".

BBC music magazine

2013 June



David Nice

2013 June

"Vurdering: BBC music orchestral choice" - "Petrenko draws our attention to how much of the Symphony is marked pianissimo. No one has rendered more hauntingly the hushed writing for bass clarinet and flutes ... Fresh, beautifully phrased and vividly recorded - if with a touch of the cathedral about the acoustics - Petrenko's Symphony No. 7 clamours to be heard".

International record review

2013 March



Richard Whitehouse

2013 March

"A fine and often involving account ... The recorded sound maintains the excellent results Orfeo has been obtaining from Symphony Hall's fabled acoustic".

The gramophone

2013 February



John Warrack

2013 February

"Nelsons offers a more disinterested though no less expressive view ... excellent at judging the music's momentum ... The Birmingham players include som fine solo wind".

The gramophone

2006 October



David Gutman

2006 October

"Jansons doesn't convince me that this is great music ... That said, if the coolly reflective, philosophical option is more to your taste you will find Jansons admirably lucid and enjoying a vast dynamic range".

The gramophone

2022 April



Edward Seckerson

2022 April

"There is much to commend in Noseda's account of this most extraordinary symphony ... The inner movements, sandwiched as they are between so much unforgiving shock and awe, fare best in the hands of seasoned Mahlerians. Noseda is one ... As for the slow movement with its plangent wind chorale ... Noseda cherishes as I do the chorale's return in the strings towards the end of the movement, and it is that moment above all which demonstrates how well he 'gets' this piece".

High fidelity (Kbh.)

Årg. 36, nr. 7 (2003)


Årg. 36, nr. 7 (2003)

Berlingske tidende

d. 31. maj 2003


d. 31. maj 2003

Kristeligt dagblad

d. 19. maj 2003


d. 19. maj 2003

The gramophone

2015 May



Edward Seckerson

2015 May

"If a conductor and orchestra can get the opening right ... then the chances are that the rest of this momentous piece will fall into place. Paavo Järvi and the Russian National Orchestra do just that".


2015 septembre



Patrick Szersnovicz

2015 septembre

"Vurdering: Diapason d'or".

The gramophone

2013 February



John Warrack

2013 February

"Broadly speaking, Gergiev holds to the heroic aspect but one also suffers with tragedy ... draws eloquent playing from his orchestra".

International record review

2013 January



Mark Pullinger

2013 January

"Gergiev's new recording is far finer, if somewhat bogged down by his plodding Moderato second movement, which doesn't convince. Elsewhere, there's much thrilling playing to admire".

The gramophone

2019 December



Edward Seckerson

2019 December

"One of these days a Mariss Jansons recording will arrive that will confound my expectations. This, alas, is not it. You can tell at once from the cultured, wellrounded Bavarian sound that the very notion of something edgy or unvarnished will not be countenanced ... Not for me. It may be handsome but it just isn't Shostakovich".

International record review

2010 June



Robert Layton

2010 June

"Of course, the St Petersburg Orchestra is also of the first order, though its playing here for Yuri Temikanov is not quite as finished as it was in its halcyon days under Mravinsky".

The gramophone

2013 June



David Gutman

2013 June

"Is the Leningrad a pastoral symphony? Petrenko would like us to think so. Throughout the performance he looks for pockets of expressive intimacy quite as much as sheer excitement, although he is also capable of eruptive urgency ... Naxos's package is well worth considering at super-budget price".

International record review

2013 May



Peter J. Rabinowitz

2013 May

"Vurdering: IRR outstanding" - "For sheer volume, Petrenko and his forces can stand up to anyone ... This is a long symphony ... Petrenko, though, will keep you riveted from first note to last - and while the reading is never aggressively controversial, it does consistently reveal new aspects along the way. The orchestra plays brilliantly throughout, with superlative work from the soloists ... A high point in an already exceptional cycle".