Musik / klassiske symfonier

Symphonies nos. 1, 14 & 15

Anmeldelser (27)

The guardian

d. 21. juni 2012



Andrew Clements (musikanmelder)

d. 21. juni 2012

"Wigglesworth's performance of the First Symphony particularly, though, seems intent on demonstrating how much that work does actually foreshadow what followed from the Fifth Symphony onwards ... Wigglesworth and the Netherlands Radio Orchestra do a fine job in clarifying the tangled textures, and in making their choral finales seem a bit more than just propagandist doggere".

Classics today




David Hurwitz


"Mark Wigglesworth's Shostakovich cycle has been remarkably consistent, and on the whole very fine ... The performances however, while good, are not the best in the series ... Good then, but not great, and mainly for collectors of this particular cycle".

DR musik




Esben Tange (f. 1961)


"Jurowski viser at han er en viljestærk ung mand med masser af temperament og en ubændig lyst til at få et symfoniorkester til at samle sig til én organisme - én klangkrop fyldt af sprudlende energi".

Presto classical

d. 25. juni 2021



James Longstaffe

d. 25. juni 2021

"Recording of the week: It can be hard to make sense of [the Fifteenth Symphony], but Nelsons manages it wonderfully, enjoying the cheeky, incongruous nature of the Rossini quotations but also weaving in the Wagnerian references in an extremely moving way ... In the Chamber Symphony, Op. 110a there's an extraordinary range of colours, plus immaculate playing from the Boston strings. Equally exceptional is the Fourteenth Symphony, where the first movement shows off the rich, sonorous sound of the double basses".

Presto classical




"This cycle of Shostakovich's Symphonies has constantly offered interesting and thought-provoking interpretations alongside striking performances ... The First and the Fifteen Symphonies are the alpha and omega of a symphonic production that spans almost 50 years of Shostakovich's life. Perhaps more than any other body of musical works, these symphonies reflect a unique snapshot of 20th century political events - the Communist revolution, World War II, Stalinist oppression - and their creator's reactions to them".


d. 13. juni 2006



Thomas Michelsen

d. 13. juni 2006

"Der sænkes tempi og udmales dynamiske nuancer. Med to ikke-russiske sangere, hvoraf den ellers fremragende basbaryton Quasthoff er decideret fejlcastet som russisk bas, får Rattle ikke det frem, en Rudolf Barshai i nyere tid har præsteret".

Fono Forum

2021 Oktober



Christoph Vratz

2021 Oktober

"Eine ganze Lebensspanne deckt diese Folge des Schostakowitsch-Sinfonien-Zyklus mit dem Boston Symphony Orchestra und Andris Nelsons ab ... Nelsons beschönigt nichts, er bringt die noch etwas ungelenke Instrumentierungskunst des Konservatoriums-Absolventen ebenso zur Geltung wie die Anspielungen in der letzten Sinfonie ... Kristīne Opolais singt die (Todes-) Lieder in der 14. Sinfonie stellenweise sehr opernhaft ... Das Boston Symphony Orchestra hat inzwischen seinen Schostakowitsch-Ton verfeinert. Es sind nicht nur die einzeln stark besetzten Fraktionen im Orchester, es ist auch deren gute Abstimmung untereinander, die einen farbenreichen und flexiblen Gesamtklang ermöglichen".

BBC music magazine

2021 September



David Nice

2021 September

"Nelsons's scrupulous, atmospheric attention to dynamic detail, the Boston Symphony Orchestra's sophisticated beauty and perfect engineering combine to give us finetuned mastery in Shostakovich's last and most refined symphony, the Fifteenth ... The rest is more a matter of taste ... The Chamber Symphony impresses througout, but lacks the edge of the original Eighth Quartet".

Fono Forum

2006 Juli



Thomas Schulz (f. 1960)

2006 Juli

"Unter der Leitung von Simon Rattle stürzen sie sich [BPO] mit einem Entdeckergeist in diese Musik, der sie viele Nuancen finden lässt ... Selten erklingen die zahlreichen bruitistischen Passagen ... mit einer solch ätzenden Schärfe".

BBC music magazine

2006 July



David Nice

2006 July

"Quasthoff's customary probing only fitfully brings a more generalised meaning to life. Mattila is better, but miscast ... This is all a great pity, because the Berlin strings catch every shade and dynamic under Rattle's rigorous direction".

BBC music magazine

2005 July



David Nice

2005 July

"That evening's performance of Shostakovich Five, the force of which still resonates in this invaluable memento of an overwhelming occasion ... This equally alive account of the First is bright and clear".

BBC music magazine

2014 August



Erik Levi

2014 August

"These connections [nos 1 & 15] are brought vividly to life here. As in previous recordings in this fine Shostakovich cycle, Mark Wigglesworth provides compelling and insightful interpretations that keep you transfixed".


2012 juin



Patrick Szersnovicz

2012 juin

"Wigglesworth et un bon Orchestre de la Radio néerlandaise privilégient l'élan, les couleurs vives, l'humeur capricieuse et les traits les plus spectaculaires".

BBC music magazine

2012 October



Daniel Jaffé

2012 October

"I don't recall being gripped quite as much by this work as in this present recording by Mark Wigglesworth and his Netherlands forces. Their relish ... all caught in a fine recording, hold your attention ... Alive to every inflection ... I have returned to this performance several times with great pleasure [First Symphony]".

High fidelity

2001 8


2001 8

The gramophone

2006 July



David Gutman

2006 July

"Vurdering: Editor's choice" - "A follow-up whose only flaw is an ill-conceived booklet-note. The Band's relatively lean, frosty sonority, only partly a product of divided violins, is again presented with outstanding fidelity in a spacious acoustic ... All in all a remarkable achiement".

The gramophone

2021 August



Edward Seckerson

2021 August

"Editor's choice: Shostakovich's first and last symphonies make for intriguing bedfellows ... No question that this latest release represents the Nelsons cycle at its best ... And the shrewd inclusion of Rudolf Barshai's trascription for string orchestra of the Eight Quartet, including as it does a telling reference to the First Symphony, bleeds into the strings-and-percussion sonority of the astonishing Fourteenth Symphony to chilling effect".

BBC music magazine

2009 September



Erik Levi

2009 September

"Whereas Pletnev emphasises the grim, almost nightmarish imagery of the frst movement, Gergiev is much more playful and skittish ... Especially compelling is the way in which Gergiev negotiates the different tempo changes in the finale without sacrificing the logical flow of the musical argument".

The gramophone

2009 Awards



David Fanning

2009 Awards

"Gergiev's Shostakovich doesn't blaze as brightly as his Soviet forebears ... this is not a remotely recommendable issue".

International record review

2009 September



Richard Whitehouse

2009 September

"This is not quite the central recommentation, one might have anticipated ... If the coupling suits, however, Gergiev's impulsiveness may not be found wanting".

Kristeligt dagblad

d. 4. okt. 1999


d. 4. okt. 1999

The gramophone

2011 May



David Fanning

2011 May

"With the exception of the trumpets' reluctance ... to drive home climaxes - not a fault of Jansons's account of the Third Symphony ... At bargain price, Naxos's offering is hardly bettered".

International record review

2011 April



Peter J. Rabinowitz

2011 April

"Few performances capture this gawkiness as brilliantly as this new reading by Vasily Petrenko, the fifth volume in what promises to be the outstanding Shostakovich cycle on disc".

BBC music magazine

2011 May



David Nice

2011 May

"The First's the thing - slightly better engineered too . and well worth its bargain price".

The gramophone

2014 July



Edward Seckerson

2014 July

"Mark Wigglesworth has an excellent nose for this music ... Everything from slapstick to melodrama is embraced and vividly chronicled ... This Wigglesworth performance , with cracking playing from the Netherlands Radio Philharmonic Orchestra, must be one of the best".

International record review

2012 July/August



Richard Whitehouse

2012 July/August

"Mark Wigglesworth's Shostakovich cycle nears its completion with this disc of the first three symphonies ... Those wanting an up-to-date and idiomatic option should get the present disc".