Musik / operafilm

The cunning little vixen

Anmeldelser (8)

Fono Forum

2007 Februar



Gerhard Persché

2007 Februar

"Jean-Claude Gallottas choreographisches Waldweben wirkt hingengen zu artifiziell, nicht poetisch genug. Neben dem dirigenten sind es die Sangakteure, die vor allem diese Aufnahme erlebenswert machen".


2013, nr. 30



Steen Chr. Steensen

2013, nr. 30

"Sidste år satte Glyndebourne Festspillene operaen op ved den britiske instruktør Melly Still. Hun sikrer en smuk balance mellem eventyrverden med alle dyrene, der bliver levende og det filosofiske tankegods, som hører operaen til ... I rollen som den fiffige lille ræv synger Lucy Crowe med en behersket, lys klang og vibrato, som passer så fint til Janaceks tekstnære stil ... Dirigentetn Vladimir Jurowski kan sin Janacek og viser dens sande kvaliteter: tekstnær, seismografisk stemningsmættet og poetisk".


2013 septembre



Benoît Fauchet

2013 septembre

BBC music magazine

2013 August



Helen Wallace (musikanmelder)

2013 August

"Vurdering: BBC music dvd choice" - "Melly Still, with her background in choreography and a very visceral take on children's theatre, is an ideal director. There's nothing cutesy about her treatment of the animal characters ... Jurowski allows this extraordinary score to glitter and sing, his orchestral interludes breathe luminescence. Both Emma Bell (the Fox) and Crowe blaze beside Leiferkus's poignant Forester".

Fono Forum

2009 September



Werner Pfister

2009 September

"Er [Engel] führt Mensch und Tier als Parabel vom ewigen Kreislauf der Natur vor ... Elena Tsallagovs ist ein liebreizendes Füchslein, Hannah Esther Minutillo ein draugängerischer, verführerischer Jungfuchs ... Und die Kinder spielen allesamt famos".

Vurdering (Szene): 4/5.

Vurdering (Musik): 5/5.

International record review

2009 June



Roger Pines

2009 June

"There is no opera more life-enchancing than the Cunning Little Vixen ... Engel's direction of the principals yield marvellously natural portrayals ... Russian soprano Elena Tsallagova (title-role) is quite light-voiced but clear-toned ... The rest of the cast support Tsallagova admirably".

The gramophone

2002 July


2002 July

"Mackerras conducts with all the vibrancy of his landmark CD recording (Decca 11/86) plus the immediacy of live performance and if the Orchestre de Paris has leaner strings and less secure brass than the VPO it still responds well. Hytners production was an instant hit with good reason".

International record review

2013 May



Nigel Simeone

2013 May

"Vurdering: IRR outstanding" - "I was entranced throughout. The work's humour is realized extremely well but so is its more serious side ... Aside from Mackerras ... I've never heard the opera conducted with such colour, wit, detail and dramatic urgency ... Crowe's Vixen is vocally completely secure and delightfully and sharply characterized ... The closing scene should be an overwhelming experience, and here it is ... An outstanding achievement ... I recommend this new DVD with the greatest possible enthusiasm".