Musik / rock

The fine art of hanging on

Anmeldelser (2)





Timothy Monger


"During the writing and recording of the album, a close friend of frontman Nick Hemming's was waging a losing battle with cancer, and all through the band's creative process, these recurring ideas of hanging on and grasping kept reappearing in Hemming's lyrics, resulting in what he has referred to as an "accidental concept album." ... The tight, almost constricting production style here ensures that any sharp edge or rogue tone has been dealt with. As they navigate these darker emotional waters, it's hard not to wonder what Hemming and his crew would sound like if they loosened their collars just a bit".


d. 16. apr. 2015



John Murphy

d. 16. apr. 2015

"During the album's closing track, an acoustic strum called As The Shadows Form, something draws you in to listen even more closer: and, as Hemming sadly sings lines like "all this may just keep you sane as the shadows form around you....I know this has to end, I know that this must be the end", you're reminded of the dying friend who inspired the album, and the emotional impact is like a punch to the gut. It's moments like this that confirm Hemming to be one of our most underrated songwriters".