Musik / klassiske symfonier

The Launy Grøndahl legacy, volume 7

Anmeldelser (3)

MusicWeb international

2023 January



Jonathan Woolf

2023 January

"The Launy Grøndahl Legacy isn't proving quite as fecund as Danacord's contemporaneous series celebrating the art of Thomas Jensen, but it continues to produce exceptionally valuable archive recordings ... Tchaikovsky's Piano Concerto came from a location notable for its own sonic limitations if with a much greater clarity, London's Royal Festival Hall ... Schiøler is his usual commendable self, passionate but not overdone, and a touch smudgy before he settles ... The final piece is a torso, unfortunately, as the first two movements of Schubert's Great prove to be phrasally lofty and beautifully proportioned. At some point the rest has disappeared or it's possible that the final two movements were not recorded in the first place. In any case, it's a tantalising memento of his Schubert".

Fono Forum

2024 September



Christoph Schlüren

2024 September

The gramophone

2023 April



Rob Cowan (f. 1948)

2023 April

"[In] Danacord's admirable series ... 'Legacy' a seventh volume recently issued includes one of Adolf Busch's most impressive concerto recordings, the Beethoven, taped in 1949, with Grøndahl and the Danish Radio Symphony Orchestra offering vigorous support ... So too is a headstrong and sometimes delicately phrased account of Tchaikovsky's First Piano Concerto with Victor Schiøler ... OK, there may be the odd splash here and there ... Finally, all that remains of a Grøndahl Schubert Ninth Symphony ... is the first two movements, a powerful reading truly on a par with the best (meaning Furtwängler or Szell). Let's hope someone somewhere has access to the rest and is willing to share it".