Musik / opera

The man who mistook his wife for a hat

Anmeldelser (2)


2017, nr. 44



Andrew Mellor

2017, nr. 44

"Et mesterværk inden for post-minimalistisk musikteater ... Sangerne klarer sig godt ... Ellers fanger denne opførelse Nymans afspejling af neurologisk sammenbrud gennem harmonisk nedsmeltning, og indspilningen afspejler rigtig godt den musikalske glæde ved det eksperimenterende partitur".

The gramophone

2017 January



Philip Kennicott

2017 January

"There are only three cast members and unfortunately one of these, soprano Rebecca Sjöwall, has a thin, shrill voice ... Add to all of this a rather acrid string sound from the instrumental ensemble, and this is not a disc one puts on for repeated pleasure. As a document of an opera that has had some succes ... it may be worth a listen".