Musik / klassisk musik 1950 ->

The sacred spirit of Russia

Anmeldelser (3)

MusicWeb international

2014 February



Dan Morgan (musikanmelder)

2014 February

"From the outset Conspirare sing with thrilling weight and accuracy; also, the acoustic of this Texas church provides a near-ideal performing space for the feast of antiphons, hymns and prayers that follows ... Conspirare breathe new life into this repertoire; a joy from start to finish".

The gramophone

2014 March



Alexandra Coghlan

2014 March

"Vurdering: Editor's choice" - "Everything is rooted in the bass, as it should be, and the forward brightness of the upper voices creates thrilling friction against their darker tones. This music has waited a long time for a champion, and Conspirare do it proud".

International record review

2014 May



Raymond S. Tuttle

2014 May

"All of the music performed here is heart-stoppingly, soul-transfixingly and spirit-piercingly beautiful. In its intense devotion, which can be almost blindingly bright, it is anything but sweet or sentimental".