Musik / kor

Theodora : HWV 68

Anmeldelser (13)

RBB Kultur

d. 21. dec. 2022



Kai Luehrs-Kaiser

d. 21. dec. 2022

"Von Händels spätem Oratorium "Theodora" (1750) über eine christliche Märtyrerin, die zur Prostitution gezwungen wird, gibt es bereits ein Halbdutzend hervorragend besetzter Aufnahmen (unter Harnoncourt, Christie etc.). Aber kaum je so prominent besetzt wie hier: mit Lisette Oropesa (noch nicht berühmt genug!), Joyce DiDonato und Michael Spyres".

The telegraph

d. 27. apr. 2011



Rupert Christiansen

d. 27. apr. 2011

"William Christie and the Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment pace the score with precisely the right balance of weight and grace: nothing drags, everything moves freely, without any sense of baroque affectation ... At the heart of the performance is the late Lorraine Hunt Lieberson's heart-rending interpretation of the beleaguered priestess Irene ... Glyndebourne's legendary chorus excels, bringing each act to an overwhelming climax in numbers that must rank among the composer's most inspired".

Presto classical

d. 28. okt. 2022



Katherine Cooper

d. 28. okt. 2022

"Recording of the week: Oropesa brings a fuller, warmer sound to the title-role than many of her predecessors, and it makes for an interesting perspective on the character ... Likewise, Joyce DiDonato's fierce Irene is worlds away from the stoic, other-worldly serenity which Lorraine Hunt Lieberson famously brought to the role for Peter Sellars ... Il Pomo d'Oro play out of their boots for Emelyanychev, whose occasional interjections from the harpsichord are always illuminating rather than intrusive".

Fono Forum

2023 Januar



Kai Luehrs-Kaiser

2023 Januar

"Händels "Theodora" bestätigt Emelyanychevs Nimbus eines tänzerisch aufgebrahcten Zeremonienmeisters und sticht mit einer von vorne bis hinten überragenden Besetzung alle Vorgänger aus ... Lisette Oropesa, köstlich flimmernd, in der Titelrolle ... Michael Spyres lässt als Septimus nicht den Verdacht aufkommen ... Mit Paul-Antoine Bénos-Dijan kommt ein vielgebuchter französischer Countertenor endlich auf der Platte an. Und Joyce DiDonato, konkurrenzlos in chamäleonhafter Versatilität ... Eine Referenzaufnahme. Macht Lust auf mehr".

BBC music magazine

2022 Christmas



Berta Joncus

2022 Christmas

"Recording of the month: This is now the benchmark Theodora; it is optimally cast, dramatically intense and luminously beautiful. Its world-class principals use their fine vocal qualities to deepen their characters. With a precocious band and commanding chorus under Maxim Emelyanychev, the result is spellbinding ... Lisette Oropesa in the title role and Joyce DiDonata as her faithful friend Irene turn self-examination into dramatically riveting performances. Oropesa pours her rich, quicksilber voice into every detail ... Such heartfelt readings by all the artists involved make this Theodora truly definitive".

BBC music magazine

2012 July



Anna Picard

2012 July

"Hunt Lieverson's characterisation of the zealous Irene remains unrivalled on disc ... the Orchestra of the age of Enlightenment deliver a shapely performance".

The gramophone

2024 March



Lindsay Kemp

2024 March

"Editor's choice: The more we come to know this compassionate, noble and sincere depiction of early Christian martyrdom, the better it gets. Such is the impression, at any rate, left by Cohen's reading, which benefits from vivid recording and a strong, even cast ... The balance of Cohen's vigorously confident singers and players allows him to make his ensemble a major character in the story ... The soloists also play their parts, led by Louise Alder as the death-welcoming Theodora ... From all this, Cohen sculpts an attractive and cohesive whole ... A strong recommendation".

Operabladet Ascolta

(2000) 19. årgang nr. 4


(2000) 19. årgang nr. 4


2022 decembre



Anne Ibos-Augé

2022 decembre

The gramophone

2022 December



Richard Wigmore

2022 December

"The finest performance - and the biggest single reason for acquiring the recording - is Joyce DiDonato in the role of Theodora's confidant Irene. True to form, DiDonato probes emotional extremes ... In the title-role, Lisette Oropesa's distinctive vibrato ... may initially disconcert. But she is an involving heroine, passionate in her declarations of faith ... Michael Spyres, famed above all in Berlioz, adapts his muscular tenor sensitively to the music ... Emelyanychev's Il Pomo d'Oro, based on 18 strings, are always vivid participants ... I'll keep this for DiDonato and fine solo moments elsewhere".


2022, nr. 67



Andrew Mellor

2022, nr. 67

"Oratoriet beretter om to kristnes martyrdød under det romerske styre ... men det er musikken, som er mest påtrængende, selv om det er noget af Händels mest neddæmpede. Den rummer en alarmerende, intim skønhed, som skaber en stærk dramatisk dynamik ... Denne nye optagelse virker lovende med en rollebesætning anført af sopranen Lisette Oropesa som Theodora, stjerne-mezzosopranen Joyce DiDonato som hendes fortrolige Irene ... og Michael Spyres som den sympatiske romerske soldat Septimius. Den strålende Maxim Emelyanychev dirigerer tidlig musik-ensemblet Il Pomo d'Oro".