Musik / rock

To the end

Anmeldelser (3)

Distorted Sound

d. 24. mar. 2021



Jack King

d. 24. mar. 2021

"Whilst some tracks are by the numbers MEMORIAM songs, there are plenty of risks and curveballs on To The End. More fresh-faced acts have stumbled around the fourth album hurdle, stagnating and becoming predictable. Not these guys though, and this is even more impressive when you take the members collective legacy into account. Legacies that MEMORIAM is quickly becoming a bright highlight of".


d. 30. mar. 2021



Dan Slessor

d. 30. mar. 2021

"Having always wielded a sound rooted very much in the new school of death metal, fans have come to know what to expect, and they've constantly delivered the goods, but this time around they have taken the time to experiment and explore new avenues, making for a more varied and textured collection".


d. 20. mar. 2021



Jeppe Hørning

d. 20. mar. 2021

"Memoriam har for længst gravet deres skyttegrav - og de bliver i den. Heldigvis, hvis man godt kan lide det sted, de har valgt at grave den ... Det reelle problem med pladen er nok mere, at den ikke helt hæver sig til de højder, bandet er dannet for at mindes. Men hvis man gerne vil have mere af det samme fede dødsmetal, ja, så ER det sgu også fed dødsmetal!".