Musik / violinkoncerter

Violin concerto

Anmeldelser (19)

The guardian

d. 1. sep. 2022



Andrew Clements (musikanmelder)

d. 1. sep. 2022

"The warm-toned soloist is James Ehnes, who at times might be just a little too affectionate for some tastes, especially in the final set of variations; overall, though, this is a wonderfully idiomatic and accomplished Berg collection, with some outstanding playing from the BBC Symphony Orchestra".

MusicWeb international

2022 December



Stephen Barber (musikanmelder)

2022 December

"Recommended: The BBC SO is, of course thoroughly familiar with the music of the Second Viennese School, having been taught it by Boulez. They make an excellent team. For the concerto they are joined by James Ehnes, of whom Davis says that he never performed the concerto with more pleasure than with him. Ehnes offers a beautiful performance, showing all the necessary virtuosity in what must be a very challenging solo part but always emphasizing the lyrical line ... Strongly recommended".

MusicWeb international

2022 October



John France

2022 October

"Recording of the month: The first track on this disc brings us Andrew Davis's orchestration of Berg's Piano Sonata ... The result is a wonderful tapestry of sound ... The movingly beautiful Violin Concerto was the last major work that Berg composed, and one of his greatest ... The work is a perfect balance of lyricism and drama. James Ehnes's performance is magical ... This is a remarkable disc. I enjoyed the two transcribed works, which genuinely add to our appreciation and understanding of Alban Berg's earlier achievement. The performance of the two works of genius - the Three Pieces for orchestra and the Violin Concerto - are revelatory in their sympathy and understanding. It is an album that all enthusiasts of the composer must own".


d. 12. apr. 2012



Thomas Michelsen

d. 12. apr. 2012

"Efter Bergkoncerten, skrevet til minde om en pige, som døde alt for ung, spilles Beethovens violinkoncert så indlevet og forløsende af Faust, at man må af med anmelderhatten i respekt. Her går tradition og fornyelse hånd i hånd, og mens Abbado leverer gennemtænkte akkompagnementer, smider Isabelle Faust de ekstra historisk inspirerede, farlige og intenst spillemandsagtige detaljer ind i billedrammen, som gør det hele til mere end mainstream ... Det er stort og kongenialt forløst".

Kristeligt dagblad

d. 16. maj 2012



Peter Dürrfeld

d. 16. maj 2012

"Her er tale om en både stærk og smuk skive ... Isabelle Faust løfter den op på et ekstremt højt niveau ... Og under Abbados taktstok byder de overvejende italienske musikere fra Orchestra Mozart på en orkesterledsagelse, der i lige høj grad er grandios og subtil".


d. 17. feb. 2012



Jens Povlsen

d. 17. feb. 2012

"Aftrykket, som Faust og Abbado efterlader sig i de to inderlige violinkoncerter af Berg og Beethoven ... rummer både emotionelle nådestød og helende kvaliteter. Faust kommer ind, hvor det gør mest ondt, og Abbados smittende glæde kaster lys gennem sprækkerne. Sammen går de lige i hjertekulen".


d. 9. sep. 2009



John Christiansen

d. 9. sep. 2009

BBC music magazine

2022 December



Misha Donat

2022 December

"Orchestral choice: Ehnes gives a hauntingly elegiac account of Berg's Violin Concerto ... [He] makes it sound like a requiem not only for Manon Gropius, but also for Berg himself ... His mellow tone is ideally captured on the recording, as is his readiness to play the role of accompanist when the main melodic line lies in the orchestra".


2022 novembre



Patrick Szersnovicz

2022 novembre


2012, nr. 25



Per Rask Madsen

2012, nr. 25

"Isabelle Faust spiller med en tone fuld af mod og styrke ... For den 40-årige Faust er Bergs koncert ikke et knudret tolvtone-foretagende, men et hjerteanliggende ... Orchestra Mozart er både en respektfuld partner for Faust og kan samtidig - ligesom hende selv - bide fra sig".

BBC music magazine

2012 April



Erik Levi

2012 April

"Vurdering: Recording of the month - Vurdering: BBC music choice" - "Despite their stylistic and emotional disparities, the coupling in this outstanding recording ... is surprisingly effective. Indeed, listening to these wonderful performances side by side is cathartic ... Revelatory Berg and Beethoven from Isabelle Faust".

Berlingske tidende

d. 18. jan. 2003


d. 18. jan. 2003


d. 23 kunst & kultur. feb. 1999


d. 23 kunst & kultur. feb. 1999

The gramophone

2022 November



Harriet́ Smith

2022 November

"When it comes to the Violin Concerto, theirs is an unhurried reading, with James Ehnes sweet-toned and not afraid to linger in the opening bars ... An ability to shape a narrative of compelling immediacy, allied to an extraordinary level of detail ... [Andrew Davis] ensures that the first movement's mighty brassladen climax is properly powerful ... altogether more cushioned, though there's no mistaking the potency of Ehnes's playing ... In all, the BBC Symphony are on fine form".


d. 20. maj 2004


d. 20. maj 2004

International record review

2012 March



Nigel Simeone

2012 March

"Collectors looking for a new recording of the Berg Concerto need look no further ... In the Beethoven there are a few places where I find Faust and Abbado a shade less natural, but theirs is still an extremely fine performance. The disc as a whole can be recommended very warmly indeed".

The gramophone

2012 March



Duncan Druce

2012 March

"Vurdering: Recording of the month" - "Few recordings of the Berg have achieved this level of detailed commitment from soloist and orchestra ... In recent year, there have been several fine recordings of the Beethoven Violin Concerto. Faust's performance has a grandeur that Christian Tetzlaff ... doesn't attempt to match. Janine Janson ... doesn't quite rival Faust's expressive range or emotional intensity. Outstanding performances of both concertos, then: I'll want to return to them often".

Kristeligt dagblad

d. 16. sep. 2002


d. 16. sep. 2002

Kristeligt dagblad

d. 8. okt. 2001


d. 8. okt. 2001