Musik / violinkoncerter

Violin concerto

Anmeldelser (25)

The guardian

d. 11. jan. 2024



Andrew Clements (musikanmelder)

d. 11. jan. 2024

"Two of the major works from the first phase of Stravinsky's neoclassical period dominate this collection. The Apollo ballet, first performed in 1928, is the earlier; the Violin Concerto ... appeared three years later. They contrast well ... Apollon Musagète ... seem musical worlds away from the insistent propulsion of the wind-dominated orchestral writing in the concerto. It's easy enough for Andrew Davis to make the distinction between the two sound worlds very clear, and though James Ehnes's shaping of the solo writing in the concerto is perhaps more expressively expansive than the conductor's approach ... their musical differences hardly jar. The rest of this collection is made up of smaller-scale works from the same period ... Davis ensures that they are all performed with the same attention to detail and stylishness that he gives to the concerto and the ballet".


d. 26. mar. 2021



Uwe Krusch

d. 26. mar. 2021

"With partially new partners, Thomas Albertus Irnberger dedicates himself to these works of Russian soul not only with convincing technical realization, but also with the Russian spirit of the music ... Irnberger's extraordinary musical qualities have been repeatedly reported here. In the concerto by Stravinsky, which is both violinistic and brittle at the same time, he also hits the character with lightness and precision ... The ensemble acts with ... excellent musical expressiveness, so that in Stravinsky the part accompanying the solo violin over long stretches is nevertheless not suffocating, and in Rimsky Korsakov it illustrates the already rather fairytale-like mood with colorful playing".

Klassik heute

d. 16. mar. 2021



Michael B. Weiss

d. 16. mar. 2021

"Klassik Heute Empfehlung: Dass Irnberger und seine Partner die Balance zwischen zwingender Logik von Phrasierung und Form und geradezu aufregender artikulatorischer Freiheit so präzise halten würden, frappiert dann doch. Über fast 80 Minuten kann man das Ohr nicht von diesem unendlich reichen Geigenspiel abwenden ... Technisch spielt Thomas Albertus Irnberger ohnehin auf einem Niveau, das nicht mehr steigerbar scheint ... Das ORF Radio-Symphonieorchester erweist sich als ebenbürtig ... Empfehlung!".

The guardian

d. 2. mar. 2023



Andrew Clements (musikanmelder)

d. 2. mar. 2023

"The gains [of using historical insturments] are obvious in the first few minutes of the concerto, not only in the clarity and gutsy depth that are combined with the technical brilliance of Faust's playing, but also in the kaleidoscope of colours that the orchestra creates around her ... It's a real ear-opener, bringing the concerto into a sharper focus than I've ever encountered before".





James Leonard


"A fitting gesture to the composer and his long-standing relationship with Craft ... But Craft has recorded most of these works before, and while his Rite here is masterfully executed by the Philharmonia of London, it could be argued that Craft's earlier performances had more energy and cogency ... However, the inclusion of Jennifer Frautschi's recording of the Violin Concerto makes this disc mandatory for Stravinsky fans".

MusicWeb international

2024 January



Jonathan Woolf

2024 January

"I was less impressed by this disc than its companion that coupled both Martinů concertos. It's not badly played at all. On the contrary the performances and recording quality are both fine. Perhaps it's my imagination but the Stravinsky ... seems to have led interpretatively and tonally to a neo-classic clarity that doesn't suit the Bartók Rhapsodies and which sounds too heartless in the Martinů".

MusicWeb international

2024 March



Stephen Barber (musikanmelder)

2024 March

"Recommended: Among the many masterpieces in Stravinsky's long career, the Violin Concerto and Apollon Musagète are among the high points of his neoclassical period and both are included here, along with some attractive minor works ... This is a splendid disc ... There have been many good recordings of the Violin Concerto ... but Ehnes can hold his own with them. Apollon Musagète is likewise as good as the best ... Andrew Davis again shows his deep understanding of the composer. This is a peach of a disc".

MusicWeb international

2013 December



Gwyn Parry-Jones

2013 December

"There is a sense of discovery, of spontaneous re-creation of these two masterpieces. Totally stylish yet wholly new; great playing and a truly outstanding issue".

Presto classical

d. 3. mar. 2023



David Smith (musikanmelder)

d. 3. mar. 2023

"Recording of the week: Clear, unfussy textures are the order of the day, for which the period instruments of Les Siècles (right down to the timpani and bass drum) are absolutely perfect ... This new recording of the Violin Concerto really does show the work in a new light, and the chamber works are the perfect companion-pieces".

Fono Forum

2024 März



Christoph Vratz

2024 März

BBC music magazine

2024 April



John-Pierre Joyce

2024 April

"Zimmermann brilliantly glides through these musical guises, effortlessly surmounting and relishing their technical challenges. His playing combines gutsy force with lyrical tenderness ... There is full investment. too, from the Bamberg Symphony Orchestra under their chief conductor Jakub Hrůša".

BBC music magazine

2024 March



David Nice

2024 March

"There's perfect dialogue throughout this most concertante of works, every cue and change of colour picked up with perfect focus. It helps that the sound brings the woodwind as much up front as the violinist; there are wonderful contributions from the BBC Philharmonic, bassoons especially. But when Ehnes needs to take centre stage, in the second Aria he does so magisterially".

BBC music magazine

2012 September



Malcolm Hayes

2012 September

"Vurdering: BBC music orchestral choice" - "Baiba Skride's way with Stravinsky's Violin Concerto confirms it as masterpiece of grace, charm, and scintillating joie de vivre ... Skride engages happily with the music's beguiling range of light and shade and quietly insistent invention [Martin]. In both works, Thierry Fischer and the orchestra offer stylish accompaniments".

BBC music magazine

2014 January



Martin Cotton

2014 January

"Kopatchinskaja brings [virtuosity] to the [Stravinsky] in spades, but she also shatters the image of the work as a neo-classical homage to Bach ... Her whole approach to Stravinsky ... brings his world close to Prokofiev's ... where Kopatchinskaja seems to be feeling her way into the music ... A wonderful disc".


2014, nr. 52



Johanna Paulsson

2014, nr. 52

"Det råder ingen tvekan om Kopatchinskajas tekniska skicklighet i kombination med en förmåga att spela efter eget huvud ... Som Kopatchinskaja säger [är det] genom att ta risker man finner nya vägar. Och det gäller förstås inte minst hennes tolkning av Stravinskys slitstarka violinkonsert ... [I] Prokofjevs lyriska, men ändå mörkt ruvande violinkonsert nr 2 ... ger Kopatchinskaja onekligen verket en mer personligt brännande prägel med kraftiga accentueringar, klarhet och spontanitet".

BBC music magazine

2023 May



Christopher Dingle

2023 May

"Building on her distinctive and distinguished period instrument recording of 'The Soldier's Tale', Isabelle Faust gives the concerto the same treatment with superb results. Joined by Les Siècles and the irrepressible François-Xavier Roth, the instrumental colour is simultaneously more varied and more subtle ... Faust surrounds this groundbreaking account of the concerto with a selection of modest chamber miniatures ... mostly shavings from the master's workbench".

Fono Forum

2023 Juni



Thomas Schulz (f. 1960)

2023 Juni

"Den Solopart geht Isabelle Faust mit grosser Gewissenhaftigkeit und Ernsthaftigkeit an ... Doch vermisst man vor allem im Finale ein wenig von der Ironie, mit der Strawinsky typisch geigerische Klischees auf die Spitze treibt und gleichzeitig freundlich ironisiert ... Als Beiprogramm gibt es einige kammermusikalische Strawinsky-Juwelen, an denen Isabelle Faust in leitender Position mitwirkt".

BBC music magazine

2007 Proms



Martin Cotton

2007 Proms

"It's certainly a rhythmic performance - one of the tightest I've heard ... The Rite is curiously disappointing. Despite accurate, well-balanced playing, and a detailed recording with depth and a wide dynamic range, its visceral ecxitement remains muted".

The gramophone

2024 February



David Gutman

2024 February

"With Jakub Hrůša and his super-attentive Bamberg orchestra, Frank Peter Zimmermann trumps the self-confident projection of his younger self [EMI, 1992] ... Stravinsky's framing movements seem defter now, particularly the opening Toccata with its chortling bassoons ... As throughout, the leaner immediacy of BIS's sound recording reflects the freshness of the music-making".

The gramophone

2024 February



David Gutman

2024 February

"James Ehnes gives a performance of unobtrusive eloquence ... Andrew Davis's orchestra ... take the lead in dialogue with the soloist ... Ehnes's intonation is, as ever, second to none".

International record review

2012 July/August



Colin Anderson

2012 July/August

"Excellent release ... Baiba Skride and Thierry Fischer work closely together for a well-pointed, crisply articulated and shapely account of Stravinsky ... This [Martin] is music of power and beauty, and full of attractive ideas, the orchestra used colourfully ... A very recommendable release of music not heard often enough in the concert hall. Here the record collector is the victor".

The gramophone

2012 Awards



Edward Seckerson

2012 Awards

"Vurdering: Gramophone choice" - "Quite an ear-opener [Stravinsky Violin Concerto] ... Baiba Skride has the measure of its hybrid nature, striking an ideal balance between its Classical/Baroque cut and thrust its Romantic inclinations ... Credit too, for whoever came up with the idea of coupling the little-heard Frank Martin Concerto ... Skride is an ethereal presence throughout, weaving her spells through the subtlest Ravelian textures".

The gramophone

2014 January



Duncan Druce

2014 January

"Vurdering: Gramophone choice" - "One feels that with every phrase she has succeeded in making the [Prokofiev] concerto her own ... Throughout both concertos, conductor and orchestra appear to support with enthusiasm Kopatchinskaja's vision of the music, with many distinguished solo contributions ... Not to be missed".


2023 avril



Patrick Szersnovicz

2023 avril

The gramophone

2023 April



Edward Seckerson

2023 April

"Editor's choice: Three-dimensional - with a startling inner clarity and rhythmic keenness that brings if off the page in ways you couldn't imagined. Honestly, it's like having one's ears freshly syringed ... with glorious Isabelle Faust playing on gut strings ... A delicious and enlightening disc in so many ways and further testament to the insights of François-Xavier Roth and his very special ensemble".